Chapter 32

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Twin blades were strapped on my back, knives and daggers strapped along the black belt I was wearing over the cargo pants. I had placed on a black shirt on top, tucking it through, so the loose clothing wouldn't get in the way. 

Tying my hair into a tight ponytail, I walked out of the room, although suddenly stopping by the tall male in front of me. 

And looking up at his face was a bad idea. His eyes were tracing down my body, leaving a hot trail with it, as if it were his hands instead. My face felt like it was lit on fire as I let my eyes wander past his face and at the tight shirt he was wearing; I could see all the bumps and ridges of his muscles and my hands wanted nothing more but to reach up and run over them. 

And then we both blinked, almost simultaneously, cold air rushing in and cooling that raging desire for him. 

He stepped back and I looked away, praying that the heat I was feeling wasn't evident on my face. 

I coughed and he scratched the back of his neck, breaking the tension by saying - "We're going now, I had come to get you," 

I nodded walking first, leaving the tension in the dimly lit hallway, and setting my mind on the battle that was coming ahead. 

When walking into the dining room, the siblings were already waiting there. Azule cleaning his blades, whilst Nora stared into the fire, her face unreadable. 

"You know, I've always wondered," I said as a way of greeting, "Are you twins?" 

Azule looked at me with an over-exaggerated pained face, "You think I'm her twin? What an insult," he said, shooting his face away from me, his nose stuck upwards. 

Nora sent him a death glare, and said in a more calm manner, "We are siblings, but not twins."

"God forbid it," Azule chimed in. 

The female rolled her eyes at her brother, "I'm older by two years," 

"One year and a half," Azule corrected. 

"Basically two years," 

"Even I thought they were twins at first," Grayson decided to join in the conversation, "They look so alike," 

"You guys could easily pull off being twins," I added.

"Everyone would be fooled," He said. 

"No one would even know," I continued. 

"No one," 

Every time we continued to add onto the statement, their faces became more and more comically horrified, as if they truly couldn't stomach the idea of being each other's twins. 

"You two are horrible apart, but together..." Azule started. 

"You're demons," Nora finished off. 

Grayson and I looked at each other, a slight grin on my face and a feline smirk on his, however, the moment we made eye contact, the feeling of him pressed up against me rushed back in, his eyes dark running over me. 

We looked away from each other, my body buzzing and his even a meter away feeling too close. 

Azule whistled, "That got awkward real quick," 

Nora cleared her throat and said, "Shall we go?" 

"How are we getting there?" I asked. 

"We are winnowing," Grayson answered, just as Azule and Nora began walking towards him. Nora took one of his hands, and Azule took hers. 

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