Chapter 34

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(This bit is not going along directly after the previous chapter, but more of Grayson's POV of that chapter before)

Grayson POV

 These dragons were a pain in the ass.

My power rumbled through me, dark and hungry to kill, hurt, see these creatures bleed. I focused on my breathing, on the way the feeling of magic pressed against my organs growing and pushing to be let out. 

Without focus, I'd erupt. 

End the whole world perhaps. 

I pin-pointed my magic into a precise sharpness, angling it towards the dragons and no one else, like pulling on the string of a bow. I took a breath in, pushing more and more of that darkness and shadows of my powers into the singular shot towards the giant beast. 

I released the breath, letting go and watching as the dragon roared in pain, its skin beginning to darken and then slowly turn into ash, before dropping into nothing but a flurry of grey particles. 

With that done, I turned towards where my comrades were working on beating another one of those giant dragons, and then my thoughts wandered to Lua. 

Where was she? 

She had just disappeared into the wind when we first arrived, not telling me or anyone anything when she vanished. 

She had a tendency to do that. Vanish with no explanation, just her following her gut and doing what she very well pleased. 

But she always came back in the end, however now, as the sun was setting in the horizon, she was nowhere to be seen. Not a sound coming from the village, but the putrid smell of dragon blood. 

She was doing something. Knowing her, she wouldn't disappear on helpless people, who needed her help. She wouldn't turn away from a fight. 

I focused my mind away from her for a second, as I regarded the large beast in front of me; my magic honing in on the beating of its heart and its rattling breaths. 

I didn't move a muscle, as I let my powers out and the dragon dropped onto the floor with a mighty slam, its eyes vacant and completely lifeless. 

I turned so my comrades fighting the last of the enormous dragons, their movements precise and like a routine; Azule suddenly clasping his sister's hand, as they began to spin so fast, they were a blur even with the enhanced eyesight of the fae, and then he released her and she shot towards the dragon's face with such speed and force that its head was sliced clean off with a single swipe of her sword. 

The siblings had no powers, no magic, but their combat skills were unmatched throughout the entire kingdom. I didn't think I could beat them without my magic if they ever banded together to fight. 

I wondered if Lua could beat one of them in a hand to hand battle. 

I looked off into the distance, my mind on her again. What was she doing right now? 

I was about to turn around to shout something to the pair when a large wave of magic; deep and full of power, pushed through me, rattling my insides, muting everything around me; my mind went silent. I went completely still. 

I knew who it came from, I could feel her presence, her existence intertwined in the magic of that wave. 

It would have not been anything of importance, just a wave of her magic, but it was the way my magic responded to hers that had me frozen every single time. 

My powers rejoiced at the feeling of hers, curling itself around it, hugging with it, playing with it. It's dark tendrils that usually sent fae to their graves, that thrilled in seeing crimson splattered like paint on a canvas. I was feared for my magic, for what it truly resonated from, and it shocked me each time to see it sing in delight at the feeling of her with it, kneeling at her powers, surrendering itself to her very being. 

I knew what it meant, but I pushed it away every single time. I reminded myself of my heritage, of what coursed through my veins and made me who I was. It would not be good for her. 

I tried to remember that whenever I was around her. Tried. 

Quickly informing the siblings about where I was going, I sprinted away towards the direction where her magic had come from. Letting my powers seek her out. 

Running along the streets, the splatter of blood, red and blue, painted the walls and floors, and my magic roared in response to the sight. 

It was a mistake to let the dragon clan gain as much power as they had, it was a mistake and it was my fault that people had died today, that children had become orphans and fae became childless. 

Every loss of life was due to my stupid self, ignoring the clear signs that the dragons were growing restless that they were going to strike. 

I remembered of the freedom I had, the carelessness of my youth and only thinking of the rights I would have been bestowed when wearing the crown. 

But now, each step felt like another weight was being added onto that circlet of bright silver that I owned; realising how light it was on the head, but so heavy upon the heart. 

This was another cost of the crown. 

My heart suddenly began thundering, my magic spiking up in alert when I heard her almost imperceptible cry of pain. And my steps began growing faster as an anxiousness gripped at my core. 

I could sense her magic, but I was still so far. I jumped onto the roof of a building, sprinting across the tiles as I scanned the alleyways, noticing the multiple dead dragons scattered everywhere. 

I suspected they were all her doing. 

My magic was tingling at the feeling of her, as it became stronger and stronger; and there was so much of it, everywhere, as if she couldn't properly contain it. 

And then I spotted Lua, and my mind went silent at the state she was in. Her stomach was split open and there was another wound on her leg, but thankfully she had spread her ice on it, so it wasn't bleeding. I trembled in rage as all I wanted to do was completely wipe the dragon race from existence for what they had done to her. Her face was pale and her eyes were drooping shut, it felt like my legs couldn't move faster than they already were going at. I needed to get to her. 

I jumped off the building and landed on the ground with a thundering crack, surprising the people surrounding her, they all suddenly began to bow, but I ignored them, my mind solely focused on Lua. 

I kneeled in front of her, cursing at the sight of her organs literally spilling out of her stomach, and hurriedly melting the ice and beginning to heal her.

Her own magic hadn't healed her and I again pushed away from the reasoning behind it. 

I called out her name trying to get her to focus on me, although her eyes were already transfixed onto my face. I watched as her night-like eyes ran across my hair and then locked onto my face again. 

I went completely still, my heart banging loudly against my chest, as her fingers brushed against my face and then cupped my cheek. My magic hummed in delight, as she poured her own magic into me and I felt a cut, I had not noticed being there, began to heal. 

My eyes were on hers, as she healed me and I healed her, the world fell apart around me, as violet-blue eyes were the only things I saw, the only things I wanted to see. 

I wanted her so badly, I couldn't focus on anything. 

And then she spoke, her voice soothing; it felt like less weight suddenly rested on me. 

I don't she realised in the slightest the amount of impact she had, and she didn't even have to do anything to get me and my magic to fall to our knees. 

I was in so much trouble. 


Wanted to give some credit to some of the inspo I had, which is from the song - "Cost of the crown"

hope you like. 

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