Chapter 40

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A couple of days had passed so now there were only three days until the meeting and ball. Grayson had informed us on his plan and had sent Azule and Nora to the dragon city to attain information on the leader of dragons and his lack of loyalty and try to get some information on the rogues and the leader's affiliation with them. 

In the morning, whilst we were having breakfast, Grayson had gotten a message from his father and had left without another word. His face had suddenly become pale, his eyes filled with worry and then he disappeared; his plate left half-empty. 

I was nervous, more nervous than I should've been as I waited for him. My stomach knotted into uncomfortable ties, as I cleared away the dishes, my mind solely on him and that expression on his face.

And so to get my mind off it, and calm my nerves I began to train. Working on my non-magic fighting abilities and my magic and, like always, it worked. That build-up of power in my blood eased since I had let out so much of it and my mind concentrated on the aches of my muscles and sweat that clung to my skin. 

I ripped off the training gloves and glanced to the window, surprised to see that the sun had set, and that anxiety washed back in as I wondered on why Grayson was taking so long. 

Did something happen with his family?

I knew his mother was sick, so maybe something had happened to her?

I prayed she was alright. 

Focusing on my breathing, I walked out of the room and headed straight to mine. The sweat that was clinging on to my skin started feeling revolting; I needed to shower. I needed to feel clean and clear, so there wasn't a bombardment of thoughts rummaging through my head. 

I prepared my nightclothes, an oversized silk top with shorts, and stepped into the shower, the hot pelts of water soothing the ache in my muscles. I scrubbed my hair with the vanilla-scented shampoo and sighed at the comforting feeling as I massaged my head. 

My time in the shower was extended so I could enjoy the heat and steam a little while longer than usual, before having to step out into the cold air and dripping hair. 

But, unfortunately, it had to be done. 

When I stepped out the bathroom, with the silky clothes that softly brushed against my skin like gentle breaths and my hair brushed and dry, I noticed that it struck midnight and still there was no noise around the house, still no sign of Grayson's return.

If he was spending time with his family, I wouldn't be impatient about it. He needed that time off to stop him worrying about the current situation for a moment. So without much more thought, I slid into the covers of my bed, staring out of the window and at the iridescent moon. 

After trying to forcefully make myself fall asleep it was clear that I wasn't going to get any rest that night and so I opted on taking out a book and reading it, until there was a knock at my door. 

My defences instantly raised as I silently pulled out a knife from the drawer, ready to fight whatever intruder it was. But that scent hit me, a scent I couldn't mistake for anyone. My hands unclenched around the handle and I let the blade drop, hurrying to the door, anxious to see his face. 

As I opened it, I was greeted by Grayson, his scent hit me full-on, like a sudden strong wind, and my heart began speeding up, but it all fell silent as I regarded his face. 

His eyes were red-rimmed, his hair tousled like he had been running his hand through it over and over again. His golden eyes looked so broken, so deeply sad that my heart clenched until I couldn't breathe. 

"What happened?" My voice came out as a whisper, as I watched his eyes began to fill again, shining with unshed tears and I felt my eyes begin to prick. 

Without a word, he leaned forward, his arms wrapping around my waist as he buried his face into the crook of my neck. I felt him take in a shuddering breath and my arms instantly enveloped him, my hand running through his hair and massaging his head, whilst my other hand rubbed circles on his back, trying to comfort him. My own head was resting on his shoulders, moving with the trembles of breathing; his arms squeezing tighter. 

We had been standing there for a long while before Grayson pulled back, his hands still wrapped around me, and mine still on him. In the silence, I decided to speak out what I had guessed, "Is it your mother?" and still my voice came out as a whisper.

His breaths wavered, but he nodded, the hands on my waist tightening. 

"I'm sorry." I said, not knowing if it would help or not, "I'm so sorry, but know that I'm here. And I'll help in whatever way I can," 

"Can I come in?" He said, his voice rough and I nodded, moving out the way so he could walk in; a hand still on my waist as he stepped in. I reached for that hand on my waist and gripped it as I guided him to my bed, letting him sit on the end of it and I sat beside him. Both my hands now gripping his hand. 

I stayed silent, my thumb brushing his fingers, letting him speak when he was ready. 

"I don't want to be alone tonight," he said softly, newly formed tears gathering in my eyes, as I watched him stare at our conjoined hands. 

"Stay with me," I said back and instinctively wrapped my arms around him when I didn't fight that pull to be close to him. His arms did the same and we slowly fell back into the plush mattress and silky sheets. 

I felt the shudders of his breath rising again, felt the heartbreak right through him as if I was experiencing what he was first hand too. And through the misery and tears, I continued to whisper- "I'm right here. It's okay,". Only because I knew it would've made me feel like I wasn't on the edge of shattering. What I had wished someone had said to me in my darkest days. 

We had somehow had fallen asleep in that position, I realised, as my eyes cracked open and was greeted by the morning sun, and chirping and melodious singing of birds. Gray had shifted downwards, so his head was on my chest with his arms completely blanketing me, his raven hair tickling my skin and fingers, which was dug deep in them. 

He looked so peaceful, his thick dark lashes resting gently on his cheeks, his mouth slightly opened as he breathed deeply and evenly. 

I wanted this moment to last longer, wished that it wasn't morning yet, so the bitter cold reality didn't have to set back in. 

I was completely happy like this. 

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