Chapter 36

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Lua's POV:

A couple of days had passed since the dragon incident and Grayson had gotten a letter from their leader; a small note with a burning rose stamp to indicate it was from them. 

They had wished for a meeting to discuss what had occurred and what was to happen. The meeting, decided by Grayson, was to happen in two weeks. Enough time for them to think up some reasons on why there was an attack in the first place, that was if they wished to escape with less deadly punishments. 

But besides that, Grayson said he had some things that needed to be done before the meeting. First thing was to go to the neighbouring city of, Ahona. 

And that was what I was preparing for this morning, my bag brimming with clothes and weapons, anything that I thought was necessary. 

I enjoyed this, having things to do other than train and sit around all day.  It kept me busy and active, but also the thrill of it all kept me awake, and not numb and succumbing to that screaming silence I tended to resonate in. 

I walked to the dining area, carrying my bag, whilst simultaneously putting my hair into a ponytail. I pushed the doors open with my shoulder, the hair tie in my mouth and my arms getting tired of pulling my annoyingly long hair up. 

"Goodmorning, Lua," Azule said, a bagel in his hand and his bag plonked beside his feet as he leaned against the long wooden table. 

"Goodmorning," I said, my eyes running over the variety of foods laid in front of me. 

I placed my bag down and began filling my plate, aware that Azule was watching my every move. 

After a minute more of staring, I clenched my jaw in annoyance as I stabbed a fruit with my fork, "Is there a reason I'm being stared at?" I bit out, munching on my strawberry. 

"It's just... I know nothing about you," he said, and I continued chewing, not missing a beat, even as a bit of nervousness gripped at me. "And I would like to know you, so I can properly be your friend,"

"Why ask now? Why not when I had first arrived?" 

"Because I wanted to see if you were someone worth knowing." 

I speared another strawberry, "And I am?" 

"You are," 

"Well, there isn't a lot to know about me," 

He shook his head, "See that's where you're lying. You're a faerie whose powers match up to the likes of Grayson; clearly there is something, but you're hiding it," 

Annoyance flared through me as I looked up to glare at him, "There is no-," 

"You have her eyes," 

A cold feeling washed over me as I quickly caught what he meant, "I-...," No words came out of me as I looked away and began picking at a watermelon, "So you knew?" 

"I knew the moment I saw you. It's rare to have eyes like that, they're only found in the Lunar Family." 

I raised my eyebrows at the knowledge, remembering how my eyes were feared as a child; perhaps they all knew I came from a family of murderers. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was waiting for you to tell me. But I got a bit impatient," 

Azule continued, when I said nothing, "So who are you to her? Cousin? Niece?" 

Looking at him dead in the eye, I said with surprising calm, "I'm her daughter," 

The male didn't bother to hide the utter shock that went through him, his eyes growing comically large as he pretended to lose his footing. 

"You're the daughter of the Lunar Queen?" 

I nodded, popping another fruit into my mouth, "Do you still think I'm worthy to be your friend?" 

And although I had pulled my voice off to sound like I didn't care and that what he thought didn't matter to me, deep down, I was anxious to hear him; wanting to have a friend like Azule. 

To my shock, he said - "I couldn't care who your parents are, from what I've seen, you're not as bad as they are,"

I almost smiled, but as if on cue, the doors swung open to reveal Grayson and Nora strolling in. I was quick to notice the pale look on her face. 

"You guys are early," Grayson commented as he sat opposite to me and snatched a pastry. 

"You guys are late," I said back, puncturing my last fruit and popping it in my mouth. He glanced up at me, his eyes flashing with that all-too-familiar gleam and it was annoying how it took only a matter of seconds for him to be the only thing on my mind.  

Azule groaned, "It's eight in the morning," 

I turned to him, draping my arm along the back of the chair, a look of innocence on my face, "What?" 

He gave me a glare, "I can feel the tension, sexual tension, from here and it's not good for my waking mind," 

The room suddenly felt a lot hotter, as I glanced at Grayson, whose focus was already on me, a feline grin on his face. 

The dining room somehow became a furnace. 

"So what is it that needs to be done at this Ahona?" I said, changing the subject because I was about to melt.

Grayson's feline smile left his face but that gleam was still there and it did nothing to help with the feeling as if I was bathing in hot shimmers. "There's someone I need to see regarding the business with the dragons. And it is a good opportunity for you to see more of what my lands offer," 

I nodded faintly, trying to figure out what he could possibly need to help with his situation, but by noticing the mischievous twinkle to his eye, it was something sly.

 "The lands aren't only well known for their beauty but for the people too. Ahonian people are known for their eyes." Azule interjected, "When feeling strong emotions, their eyes change colour. Normally they are brown, but when they're angry they turn black and turn blue for sadness and green for jealousy and red for someone they care deeply for and I believe purple is when they get excited," 

"Someone has read their books," Grayson joked, and Azule beamed proudly at himself. But Nora sharply snapped - "Is there something wrong with that?" 

But Grayson didn't reply, completely blocking her out as if she hadn't said anything at all. 

I glanced at Nora, who was standing close to her brother, her face unreadable. Something was off with her since she had walked in. 

"Are you not going to eat?" Her sibling asked, waving a hand at the breakfast splayed on the table and she merely shook her head, glancing at Grayson. But the King made it seem like she did not exist at all. 

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