Chapter 20

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I debated if I should attack them right then and there, but I reminded myself that at the slightest slip up I could get myself into more shit. 

I had to be smart about this. If I wanted to get rid of them, then I would need to be stronger than I already was. I needed to be prepared for the worst. 

They were powerful, much powerful than I had anticipated, but I knew now. And I would train, become better than them. 

I silently watched them enter the two large doors, and disappear from my view. The queen was fuming but hadn't said anything when her husband uttered the words. She couldn't win that fight apparently. 

I swivelled on my heels, still covered by my shadows, as I glided up the stairs and towards my tower room. It was easy to get there since I had made myself memorise all the pathways and hallways I had walked through in case I ever needed it. 

I counted every possible way of exit and possible way of breaking in too, from what I had seen. 

I entered my room and slid out of my shadows as I walked into the bathroom. I needed a shower. 


When I sauntered out of the bathroom, the steam wafting out along with me, I looked out of the large windows looking out into the landscape of this land. There were mainly forests growing from what I could see, but there was also a little plot of an area that was empty somewhere dense in the large oak trees.

I had no idea why that would be there, or if there was actually something built there, but I marked the spot in my mind nonetheless. 

It would be a good place to train. 

The only problem would be; how to get there. 

I tapped on the cold glass before dragging my hand down towards the little latch and pushing the window as far as I could. 

It was a little space, not big enough for me to manage to get through. 

I sigh to myself, as I contemplate, leaving from the front and walking to the area but in my shadows. It would be quick. I remember the guards patrolling around the castle; they wouldn't see me. Would they? 

There was only one way to find out.


I watched the sun drift down, surrendering itself to the moon, as its spools of lights slowly died down into nothing. 

I stood up from my bed and closed my eyes as I felt my body melt into the shadows; flesh becoming nothing but wisps of darkness. Without moments delay, I ventured down from the top of my tower and stealthily slid out of my room, racing to the front of the castle. 

I could hear the quiet murmurs of maids through the walls and hallways, the shuffle of their feet echoing through the silence of the place, as I made it to the two monstrous front doors. 

For pre-caution, I looked around one last time, before opening the door, so that I could just slightly slither through. 

The guards stationed outside didn't even blink an eye. 

The moon was rising up to its peak, no clouds to be seen, as I used my shadow's full speed to get to the area. The wind bit against my skin chills racking down my spine from the bone-numbing cold, the temperature had dropped to. 

I cursed myself for not bringing something warmer to wear. 

The leaves whistled as I flew past them, the forest becoming denser and denser the deeper I ventured in. But after a couple of minutes, I made it. 

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