Chapter 23

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This chapter is really depressingg😭
It was a brief minute of bliss, before I was pulled out of the waters of my mind aggressively, my eyes flashing open. Something was holding onto my face, forcing me to look at what was in front of me.

The king was still standing in front of me, a look of pure madness in his eyes as he grinned at me, swinging the weapon in his hand.

"You're not allowed to faint, Princess," he whispered, that invisible force squeezing my face, hard enough that I knew marks were going to be left behind, even with my Fae healing. "I want you awake for everything,"

He leisurely walked closer to me, as if he had all the time in the world, then squatted down in front of where I was being held, bringing his face centimetres away from mine.

I spat at him before he had a chance to react and grinned at the horror written on his dirty face. Anger was quick to take over and he swung that weapon, smashing it against my thigh.

A scream erupted out of me, the pain more unbearable than anything they had done before. It felt as though they had smashed my very bone to pieces.

At the sudden spike of emotions and terror, I could feel that almost forgotten ache begin to rise at my back. 

My wings. My wings were coming. 

No. No. If he found them, who knew what he'd do with them. I couldn't lose my wings. 

So with all the energy I could muster, I repressed their urge to break free. 

It hurt. It hurt so much. But I couldn't risk it, I couldn't lose them. And with the last strenuous push, they fell silent. 

I could make out the grin on his face and let out another scream but this time not from the pain, but from the rage burning within me. I clawed at the force holding me against the walls, my unbroken leg flailing about as I tried to get out of its grip so I could rip that grin of his face.

I reached for my magic, ready to do whatever to get at him, but I was I greeted with nothing but emptiness inside me. That well that was once filled and brimming with magic and power was barren like a wasteland.

It was all gone.

The king must've seen the confusion evident in my expression, as he let out a laugh, his eyes those of a sadist.

"I took away your magic, little Princess. I took away the one thing you had that stood a chance against me. Now what are going to do?"

I sat there, staring at his gleeful face, "You're a monster," I breathed. "You're a monster," I repeated a bit louder, my body beginning to shake as the absence of my magic was felt. It had always been there, strong and unwavering, filling up every crack. Now that it was gone, I realised how much I had relied on it.

He was chuckling at my distress, as I began fighting again, struggling against that damn hold, screaming the phrase at his face.

"I will kill you, I swear it to whatever being is above, I will kill you," my eyes were blazing with hot, molten wrath, and I used that undiluted rage to forge that promise between us, something that would not be broken.

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