The Message

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⚠️endgame spoilers you asked for it⚠️

⚠️probably don't read if you're in an emotionally bad place; it's kind of a rollercoaster⚠️

⚠️rollercoaster is only going down⚠️

"Hey, Underoos. By the time you have this message, I'm.. I'm probably not there," Tony sighed.

"Listen, kiddo. My dad—he never gave me the support I needed. Felt like I needed to prove myself all the time. To make him proud, y'know?"

"You don't need to feel like that, Pete."

"I am so proud of you, and what you have been able to become. And if I was there, I would still be so proud of what you are becoming and what you will become."

"And I— am so, so sorry that you had to miss five years of this place. That Earth had to miss five years of you. You didn't deserve this. You deserved to finish High School. And marry that girl you like. And become the best friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that Queens—and the whole world, has ever seen."

"And I'm even more sorry that you have to do this alone again."

"I'm not usually sorry for things, Parker. So... take notes, okay?" Tony laughs sadly.

"I missed you, you know. When we were on that horrible, god-awful planet, and you turned to me with that look..."

"I lost myself."

"You mean so much more to me, and everybody else than you think you do. Never forget that, okay?"

"Peter, you will grow up to do amazing things. Things I can't even comprehend. Things I couldn't even begin to imagine. I can sense it. I could sense it back then, when I recruited you for Germany, and I sensed it all the way until you—Until you were gone."

"Don't shut yourself out. Please don't shut yourself out, okay?"

"Talk to May. Talk to your friends."

"I know it seems like the whole world has attacked the people you loved because they were the people you love, but it's not true. It's not your fault, Peter. It never was your fault."

"And your Uncle Ben would be so proud of you."

"And, I know it might not mean that much,"

"But I'm proud of you too. And I always will be."

"So, for one last goodbye, I'm asking you one thing."

"Take care of Morgan for me, okay?"

"She'll need a big brother as amazing as you will be."

"I love you, Peter. You'll always be my favourite Spider-Son, and you'll always be my hero."


The recording cut off, and the audio of Tony faded in thin air, leaving Peter with a wrecked expression, holding in sobs as he stared at a frozen image of Tony Stark, reaching for the camera on the hologram.

He stared at the place where Tony had just been.

Tony was just here. Peter slowly got off his bed, collapsing to his knees right where the hologram had shown, reaching out on the now frozen image of Tony.

His shaking hand dropped, and he finally let out a sob, wanting desperately to just hug Tony tightly.

That was the first time he'd broken since he watched Tony Stark; his mentor, his father-figure, his idol; die in front of him.

And he was never fixed.

A/N: I made myself cry I'm not even joking I'm literally sitting in my bed at 12am crying whole tears

Spider-Son & Iron Dad one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang