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Billie's POV
"Babe, come on let's do something. I'm bored." Alexis whines for the what seems like the millionth time. I look up at her to see she's still sitting with my guitar in her lap but isn't strumming it anymore. I then pay attention to the books in front of me again.

"Okay, then at least stop ignoring me." She sighs and puts the guitar away. She crawls over to me on my bed and pushes me down, straddling me. She then bends down to kiss me, but I push her away a little.

"Don't, I really have to study now, okay?" I ask her and get back to my books.

I know what you're thinking, 'why is she studying during summer break?'

Right, summer break started 2 weeks ago and we have been spending time with our friends and doing trips and stuff, like normal people do during summer break, but I've also been studying most of the time, I'm planning on doing my finals for next year in August, so that I actually graduate highschool in August.

Wait, maybe I should fill you in on what happend AFTER our Wildlife concert.


The teachers were just done with giving their speech when my dad came up to me on stage. "Billie, there is someone who wants to talk to you." Were his exact words, so I followed him to the guy that wants to talk to me.

It was a man with dark brown hair and who looked like he was somewhere around the age of 25. A smile spread across his face when he saw me. He stuck his hand out, for me to shake it, so that's what I did.

"Hello Billie, I am Jake. Nice to meet you." He said. "Hello, nice to meet you too." I answered him.

"I work for a label and I curaintly got given the order to find new young artists who could make it. You have potential, Billie." He said.

"Wait you're like a manager or some shit?" I ask.

"That's exactly what I am. I told the label I was attending this concert and gonna talk to you and they all are super enthusiastic about you." He explains.

"But if we want you to make it, we have to handle quick, since people are starting to find their way to the Wildlife page about now."

A couple of days after that, I had a meeting with all the people of the label and they were indeed very enthusiastic about me and here comes as to why I need my highschool degree now rather then in a year. I want my degree to at least be able to say I graduated highschool so school agreed on giving me a change to do the needed tests in August and Jake, who now is my manager, is setting up a whole Europe tour, he says he even has concerts in some cities that are already sold out. Like how? Do people from around the world really visit out Wildlife page? I really don't know how Jake is doing it, but he is doing it.

*End flashback*

So that's what's been going on this summer break, me studying and Alexis annoying me because she's bored. We actually did plan another trip with all our friends together, also with Lewis, Nathan and Remi, but we don't know where to yet, first we were just gonna go to Portugal but Remi, Lewis and Nathan wanted to go on a holiday too, so Harry is going to figure out a destination and stuff since he likes doing that. Beside that Alexis reminded me of the fact that I still have the weekend that she's going to plan for me that she wrote down in the note book that she gave me for my birthday, so I could do that now during summer break or when I get back from a month long Europe tour. I might do it after the tour since it's gonna be a long time no seeing her so it might be nice if I get to have her for my own after tour for some time.

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