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Alexis' POV

Yesterday was kind of a weird day, I mean two days ago Billie asks to start a new project with me, creating that song that I was writing together and then when I decided to do it and call her to say I wanna do it she doesn't even answers the Phone. Could something be up?

Anyway, since Billie doesn't answer her phone I decide to hang out with Simon and work on some more clothing, we need to start having the finish line to show the whole thing to Mike when it's done.

"You know." I say and look up from my sketch book in front of me, at Simon, who's caught up in his drawing. "What?" He asks without looking up from his work. "I've been thinking about the fashion show that will follow after we're done creating the line and I kinda wanna have it in Milan, the town of fashion. Do you think that that's possible?" I ask him. This time he looks up at me from his paper and looks at me with a look that says 'You're fucking crazy but I love it'.

"We could ask Mike." He answers and laughs a bit at the idea of our line being introduced in a town like Milan. "It could be cool." He adds, followed by a little nod of his head.

"What do you think of this?" He asks a little later and holds up a rough sketch of a coat. It looks pretty cool. It's with a checkered pattern but without any color yet. "That's dope." I say, shooting him a smile. "I like the idea of having this completely unisex." He informs me. "That's cool."

I take my phone to look if I didn't miss any calls or messeges yet. It's already 1 in the afternoon so I'd imagine Billie's already up, but you never know with her though.

But I was right and she even answered me.

Billie: shit I'm so sorry that I didn't answer you anymore last night. Some shit went down. I'm heading to Blaze's place right now. Call me when you see this? We should talk maybe.

"Who's that?" Simon asks with a hint of jealousy in his voice. "Billie." I simply answer, knowing he doesn't like that. Gosh what is it with me always attracting people that are overprotective or greedy, or both. First we have Austin who turned out to be a complete psychopath then there's Billie who I think is the least like that, but maybe that's because I'm still madly in love with her. She can be very overprotective and jealous too and last but not least, Simon. Since our 'friends with benefits' thingy he thinks he has all right of me. But he isn't a psychopath like Austin though, he won't kidnap Billie, he will 'talk' to her if she hurts me though.

I decide to deal Billie her number. I hold my phone to my ear and wait for her to pick up, which take ages, but she eventually does.

"Hey bab- I mean Alex." She greets me. "Hey Bil, you wanted to talk?" I ask. "Right, wait a second." She tells me and I can tell she holds her phone against her sweater to block out the conversation she's having, but I can still hear it.

"I'ma just go to the other room." She says.

"Who's on the phone?" A weak voice asks, which I recognize as Blaze's.

"Alex, I'll be back in a minute." She says.

Then I hear her get up and leave the room where she was currently in.

"Alright, yes I wanted to talk. I can explain why I didn't answer my phone yesterday and I can explain why I'm at Blaze's because I know you act like you don't mind but deep down I know you're having a problem with Blaze and I being this close, just like I have a problem with you and Simon being that close-" She keeps on ranting so I shut her up.

"Get to the point, Bil."

"Blaze overdozed yesterday, I mean, I don't think she meant to go that far and I think I'ma have to fill you in on a couple things of Baze's past for you to understand this." She says and waits for me to answer on that, whether I wanna hear it or not.

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