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*authors note*
I feel bad that I haven't thought about it before to do this but I'm putting a trigger warning on the chapter for talking about self-harm and suicide. So if you don't feel comfortable reading it, I completely understand.


Billie's POV
"Alright kids, everyone get up the stage for soundcheck, Billie stay here for a second. I wanna talk to you." Jake says as he comes running in the greenroom where Finneas, Micah, Blaze and I have been sitting after putting on our clothes for the show tonight.

I stay seated as all the others leave the room. Jake sits down next to me.

"What?" I ask him. "Alright, there are a couple of things actually." He starts, on which I simply nod.

"So first I want to thank you for not giving away your collaboration with Alexis her clothing brand yet and I also want to thank you the way you talked about and interacted with Blaze during the interview, that's what fans want to see and I know I've been hard on you about it, so I really want to thank you." He says. Him being this honest makes me feel good, so I shoot him a wide smile.

"Then I want to ask you what's up. Ever since the interview, you've been kinda down and off, is everything okay?" He asks.

"Well, it's kinda long." I sigh. "I listen." He simply answers, causing me to sigh again. "Alright." I start.

"I called Alexis after the interview, we've had a FaceTime. Because I was not the only one who cheated. She apparently cheated on me too, with Simon. So we don't really have any reason to be mad at each other. We did mutually agree on breaking up for some weeks and having all the time in the world to ourselves to figure it all out and to focus on what we're doing. Since we're doing different things. I have to focus on making music and doing shows and touring while she has to focus on school and on her clothing brand." I explain. He just nods but doesn't say anything. I can see he's thinking.

"That's a really good decision Billie, you really did the good thing." He says after a while. "Just don't let this affect your performances. "Give everything you have in you tonight." He adds. I nod. "I will, I promise you, I won't disappoint you," I assure him. "Alright go to your soundcheck now." He says and nods his head towards the door.

We both get up and he's about to walk to the stage already when I call him back. "Uh, Jake?" I ask. "Yeah." He says and turns around to face me. "Can I get a hug?" I ask. He nods and walks up to me again. He wraps his arms in a protective way around my shoulders and gives me a tight hug, which I return. "Thank you," I tell him.


The soundcheck goes smooth and now everything is ready for the show tonight. Fin, Micah, Blaze and I are just chilling in the green room, waiting for the doors to open and for it to start.

And not long after the show does start. Blaze, Finneas, and Micah are giving everything they have, but no matter how hard they try, I can see this show is different than other shows we've given. After all the drama that's been happening in the last days, this feels a little weird. I don't think the fans can tell it though, which is good. I can see that Fin, Micah and Blaze feel the weirdness too.

"When I'm with you I am home. Yeah, I am home." Blaze finishes her song. She then walks up to the whole front of the stage and sits down with her legs swinging over the edge of the stage. Weird, that's normally my thing, sitting down and having a little monologue.

"Alright guys, I wanna talk for a little, I'll sing another song in a but, " She says. "I think you all know Billie and I are very close friends, don't you?" She asks.

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