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*Start of the tour*

Billie's POV

Today the tour is about to officially start and I feel so good about it. I got a phone call from school yesterday to inform me that I passed the test. The only thing that had to happen was sign some papers and I would officially graduate highschool.

If you told 13 year old me that I would have a huge group of friends, a loving and beautiful girlfriend and be doing the thing that I love the most, I wouldn't believe you. Hell even if you told Billie from a year ago I wouldn't believe it. I was too caught up in everything that was wrong back then to see what IS good. Now I can see the beautiful side of things and I feel so much happier then I felt a year ago, I feel in a way better place.

It's weird to know that tour is going to start today exactly and that I will be touring Europe for the coming month and that my own girlfriend isn't even going to be there to see the start of the tour, it's weird because I know this show is sold out but I also know that a lot of people that are going to this show are people that I know, because it's so close to where I live. But at the same time the show in, for example, Paris is sold out too and I've never been in Paris before, which means those are all kids that actually bought a ticket to see a stranger perform and that stranger is me. But at the same time I don't feel like a stranger but more like a friend. I want to be a friend to them. I mean, I talked to them on Instagram and they're just all friends.

But anyway, back to the tour, we're now in the car with Finneas, Micah and Blaze driving towards the hall where we're performing tonight. Jake, the others of the touring crew who will take car of technical side of things and my parents are already there setting up some stuff. Fin, Micah, Blaze and I hung at our house for a little while, talking the gradient of the show over one more time.

"Are you guys ready, from now on it's serious stuff." Jake says, greeting us in the parking lot. "Totally ready." I say and shoot him a smile. "Good, I'm glad to see a happy and shinning Billie." He says and ruffles my hair. "Follow me, I'll lead you to the green room." He says, so we do just as told.

Once there he makes us sit down in the couch and look at him. "So, Micah and Finneas you guys go up in a not too slow and not too fast phase, you just start doing what you have to do and play the music to Blaze her songs, Blaze when we're exactly 10 seconds in the intro you come up and start doing your thing, get the crowd going, alright?" He says. "Yes, understood." Blaze says. "your set list is first 'home' then you go over to 'T-shirt' after that you play 'imagine if' then 'nobody's home' and you finish with 'that one song'." He says. Blaze agrees again.

"After your set you go off, Micah and Finneas, you two go off too." He says. "Then everything for Billie her set gets fixed and Micah and Finneas get back up and start playing the music for the first song, Billie you come up also 10 second in the intro and start the set." He says. We all say 'yes' or not our heads.

"Now, the set list." He says and takes a paper.

"Billie, you start with 'bad guy', then you do 'hostage', if you still want to do your special thing for Alexis, even though she's not going to be here you do that after 'hostage', then you do 'When the party's over', then 'my boy', during that you do the dance with Finneas. Then 'Ilomilo' and then you'll end with 'my strange addiction'." He says. "Understood?" He asks.

"Yes." We all say in unison. "Okay, you have another 4 hours until the start so I recommend to go get some food in your system, but don't eat too much, we don't want sick people on stage and also get changed and chill out for a bit. In three hours I want everyone back here and fully dressed and ready so we can go over to sound check." He orders and leaves the green room.

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