Alternative ending 1/2

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*authors note*

I did decide to write this alternative end because my heart couldn't take it thinking Alexis would be dead. So I'm going to explain how this works so you won't get confused.

This alternative ending is as a replacement of the other ending, meaning The whole car accident didn't happen. Does this makes sense? So in part one of this ending Alexis is still pregnant, they just got back from the fashion show and that's where the start of this chapter begins.

Now enjoy because this is a way happier ending, there will be a part 2 of this online soon!


Alexis' POV
"Fuck I can't sleep." I say and sit up.

"Just ugh- just fucking sleep okay, it's your big day tomorrow, get your fucking sleep so you don't look like a zombie, Billie will run the fuck away from the wedding if she sees you like that." Morgan sighs and turns her back to me.

"But what if she changes her mind and says no? What if she forgets what to say and accidentely says no? What if she's too late? What is she going to wear? Is she gonna be wearing a dress? I never saw her in a dress!"

It's our big day tomorrow. From then on I'll be married, I'll be able to call Billie my wife. She'll be MY WIFE.

Man am I one lucky freakin idiot.

She could get anyone like literally anyone. And she chose me.

"Look, Bil will probably be wearing one of her crazy ass XXXXXL sized suits or whatever the fuck, she won't be wearing a dress. Now sleep." Morgan demands.

I'm staying with Morgan for the night and Billie with Micah, like the tradition says.

We only agreed on one thing when we decided on our clothes for our wedding and for actually the whole theme of the wedding and the party and that's green, because Billie wanted to match with me and wanted to match with her hair. So my dress is green, Billie her clothes are gonna be green, the bridal bouquets are also green (we decided that we'd both give each other a bridal bouquet). The whole hall where the party's going to be is green too, our wedding cake is green, it's a whole ass theme. We even wrote on the invitations that everyone had to wear something green too.

"Do you think green was the right choise? I'm kind of second guessing it." I say and turn around to face Morgan only to hear little snores comming from her mouth.

I sigh and close my eyes, trying to get at least some kind of sleep.


Billie's POV

"Boy I can't freaking believe this, you're getting married! Like real life fucking married with rings and babies and all that stuff. Like you're going to have your own little family." Mich sighs as he takes a sip from his beer.

"How the fuck is that even real." Micah answers to Mich.

Alexis is now at Morgan's place and I'm at Micah's and Mich decided to join us too, we're just having some beers and we're talking a little.

Mich is going home later tonight, he wanted to get ready for the wedding at his own place. Micah and I are going to get ready here and Alexis and Morgan are going to get ready at Morgan her place.

"What do you think she's doing right now? Do you think she'll look nice in a green themed dress? I mean, I've never really seen her wearing green. Was it a bad thing to make it green themed?" I ask. I feel like I'm starting to overthink everything.

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