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*authors note*
This chapter might be a little bit special since I'm gonna have to write a part in Finneas' POV, I really don't have another way to make this work, but it's gonna be fun!


Billie's POV

The first thing in my mind when I wake up is Alexis. Usually, it's the show when I'm supposed to have a show, but obviously, I can't think about anything else when I'm having an argument with Alexis.

I feel like I Always fuck up when it's alright between us. Maybe we aren't supposed to be. I really don't know. Are we meant to be?

I sigh but manage to get out of bed drag my body towards the bathroom.

After showering I decide to go take a look at how Finneas is feeling.

I walk to the hotel room on the opposite of mine and knock. It takes him a good 5 minutes before he answers the door. I'm met by a Finneas in just his boxers and messy hair, giving away that he also just got out of bed. He opens his door more and makes place for me to enter his room when he sees it's me. I plop down on his bed and look at him.

"Did you already tell Claudia the news?" I ask him. He nods his head with a sad facial expression. "What about you? Did you call Alex?" He asks. "Yeah, she's really upset, I don't know if it's the hormones or if she really is upset with me, but I feel like shit because of it." I sigh.

"I know how you feel, Claudia managed to trade the tickets and is coming to New York at the end of the tour." He explains. I nod my head and lay down on his bed.


Finneas' POV

I see Billie fell asleep on my bed, so I decide to let her be and leave a note that says that I'm out talking to Jake, for when she wakes up and wonders where I am.

After that, I go through my hair with some hair gel and put on clothes.

Tonight we have our show, so we still have a couple of hours before we have to leave to the venue.

I knock on Jake's door and wait for him to answer. "Ah, Finneas, what's up bud." He says and makes a sign with his arm for me to enter his room.

"Nothing much, I mean, Claudia managed to get new tickets to New York at the end of the tour, but Billie came to me earlier, she's sleeping in my room right now. I can tell she's really upset and Alex didn't take the news very good that the tour is taking longer then it's supposed to." I explain. He nods his head understanding. "Look I really can't change this." He says. "How much I want to. I know it sucks, but-" I interrupt him. "That's not what I'm asking, I have plan to surprise her. Listen" I say and sit down in the seat on the opposite of him.

"So, my plan is to fly whole Micah and Billie's gang of friends over to New York the night of the first show there. They can follow everything backstage and Billie will be super happy to see all of them. So my question is if you can book more rooms in the hotel where we're staying." I say.

He nods and thinks for a second. "I can do that, the company can come in to pay for the hotel, but not the plane tickets. How many people are there?" He asks.

"So, Mich is sleeping with Micah, Alex with Billie and then we have Sean, Harry, Morgan, Elias, Luke, and Jose. Harry and Morgan can share a room and Elias, Luke, Jose, and Sean can share a room too, I will pay their plane tickets." I tell him.

"Alright, that's a deal bud." He says with his iconic wide smile.

"Thank you, really," I tell him as I leave his room again.

After I returned to my room I noticed that Billie already had left my room.

I take my phone from my nightstand and deal Morgan her number. I added the numbers of all Billie's friends when they decided to go on vacation together in case something happens.

"Hey, who is this?" I hear her say. "Hey, it's Finneas. I don't know if you already know about the tour is going to be 1,5 weeks longer and I had a plan." I explain.

"Yeah I know, Alex told me. I listen."

I told her my whole plan and asked her if she can get Alex and the others on that plane without telling them where they're going so that it's a surprise for Alex too, on which she agreed.


Alexis' POV

"Who was that?" I ask once Morgan put down her Phone again. "Nobody." She simply answers with a small smile playing around her lips.

I know she's up to something when she acts like this, but I decide not to get into it right now.

It's lunchtime at school so Morgan and I are having our lunch outside at one of the pick-nick tables. We texted the others that where we are but nobody showed up yet, they're probably dropping something off at their lockers or using the bathroom before lunch.

"So what was I talking about?-" Morgan interrupts me. "Your baby." She says.

"Right, so now that I decided to keep it I think it's a good idea to tell the others of our friends about it too. I know normally people wait a little longer until they're past the two months since that's the most crucial month of pregnancy, but I think in my case it's better to already talk about it to the others because I have to go to my gynecologist this week to have an echo and to see if the baby is doing alright and stuff and if press sees me there they're going to talk about it online already and I'd rather have my friends hear it from me." I tell her. She nods understandingly. "You're totally right." She agrees.


Billie's POV

Today went by rather quick. After I woke up in Finneas' room and read his note that he was talking to Jake, I decided to get back to my room and work on a song that postponed working on for way too long. I started writing it when Alexis' and I first got in a relationship and it still expresses really good how I feel about our relationship, it still reflects how the love I feel for her is the most comforting and most scary thing at the same time. That's why I completely finished it today. The last lyrics I had to find were the ones to the bridge and to the outro. I came up with the bridge last night after the videocall with Alex and the outro came just today. Which goes like:


'The smile you gave me
Even when you felt like dying'


'We fall apart as it gets dark
I'm in your arms in Central Park
There's nothing you could do or say
I can't escape the way I love you
I don't want to, but I love you'

So I was really happy to finish that one, I plan on singing it directly to Alex when I have to perform at her fashion show.

Talking about performing. Right now Blaze is on the stage doing the opener, so I'm just waiting for my turn now. It's weird that I have to go on doing my favorite thing ever when I'm in an argument with my favorite person. It feels really odd. I do know that the show will take my mind off of it, but right now I can't stop thinking of the fact that I haven't heard of her yet. I mean she started the fight, so she should really call me or even just leave a simple message.


Alexis' POV

I can't believe Billie didn't even text me today. I really expected her to at least show a sign of life after the fight we had yesterday.


*authors note*
I again didn't re-read this, but here you go!

Also Conan Gray's debut album 'Kid Krow' is coming out in 10 hours and 32 minutes where I live, so go listen to that when it's out!

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