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Alexis' POV
Today I just have school again, which I'm glad about because that way I could take my mind off things. I can drive pretty well already so I could go to school by car, but I'm not allowed to do that yet because I still need a mentor next to me to be legal. So I just go by bus like I always do.

Arriving at school it feels so much better then I expected to see my friends then I thought it would.

"Look who's there, you feeling better?" Sean asks as I walk up to my group of friends.

"A little, yeah," I answer him with a small smile, it sucks that I can't tell them what's really going yet.

"You ready to start writing on our paper today?" Morgan asks.

"I could think of more fun things to do, but yeah," I answer her.

We talk some more until the bell rings, telling us to get to our class, so we split up with Sean and get to where we have our first class, which is history.

"Hey, can I sit here?" Charlie asks as we sit in the classroom already, but he's a little later.

"How are you?" I ask him. "I'm fine, I mean could be better, but fine." He answers. "How about you? Feeling better yet?" He adds. I just shrug.

Here is the thing. Physically I'm feeling better but emotionally not at all. I just need to know the results of the test, I really need to know. So that I can start thinking of what I want to do.

"Alright class take your books on page 37 please." The teacher starts her class, interrupting my thoughts.


Billie's POV
I just woke up and it's like 12 pm already. Jake told us we could sleep in a little today since nothing really was on the planning. This afternoon we do have an interview and tonight another show to perform. So I'm glad I could get some rest.

After waking I decided to take a long hot shower with some music on the background. Tonight after the show I have to call Alexis to hear the news and she's probably at school right now. She must one and all stress.

I wonder if she's told any of our friends about the baby yet. No, she probably would've told me if she did.

After showering I put on one of my off-stage outfits and decide to go down to our breakfast department of the hotel where we're staying.

Only Finneas and Blaze are in the breakfast department, I assume the others are already up for longer so they're probably already done with breakfast.

Finneas and Blaze are talking to each other and laughing and all, that's a first. They usually can't really stand each other like that.

I fix myself a plate with some fruits and a big cup of coffee before taking place at their table too.

"What up losers," I say.

"Look who decided to join us. Sleeping beauty." Finneas laughs. "How are you doing?" He adds.

"I'm good, just chillin you know," I answer.

"What about you guys?" I ask.

"I'm good, actually excited to be on the road again. The sooner we get to New York the sooner I see Claudia back." He says with an all lovey-dovey smile.

"And you?" I ask Blaze before taking a bit from my apple.

"I'm good actually, I was calling with Vicky earlier and she said she's getting Oscar over for a week in a month or something, which is the first time ever for such a long time since he's been taken away from her. Plus he'll be coming when I'm back from tour so I'll be able to see him too." She explains.

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