Authors note (I'ma need some feedback)

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Heyo, if you're still reading this then you're amazing! The first thing I thought when people started reading blue haired teen was: there's no way people are actually interested in my work.

And then when I noticed y'all stuck around I was super happy cuz I never thought you would stick to the end of that book.

But now we're almost at the end of the second book and there are still people reading. You are freakin amazing!

So I had a couple ideas:
1. I've been thinking about doing a face reveal, but that still terrifies me cuz I'ma shit my pants when someone I know in real life would be reading this. But I'm thinking about doing that, so if you'd be interesting in that, lemme know.

2. Besides Billie I also have other artists whom I love very very much and they're all my babies and the ones who have my heart the most (besides Bil) are Yungblud, Halsey and Conan Gray and after this fanfic I have two projects I'm thinking about which is:

-> a Halsey fanfic


-> A Conan Gray fanfic (I already wrote one and a half chapter to this one and it's gonna be based on his debut album 'kid krow')

So if you're interested in that: lemme knowww (I understand if y'all are only here for Billie though, she's great)

And last thing I have to say: please please please stay safe! I know those are weird ass times for everyone but it's SO important! I don't know where y'all are from so I don't know how bad the virus is where you are. But when they first talked about it on the radio and stuff I always thought: that is never gonna come to my country, guess what. We fucked. So please take care of yourself and the ones you care about and SPREAD LOVE *virual hugs for everyone*

Alright, I'ma stop my speach here. Love ya.

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