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*authors note*

I'm back!

And now that my country basically is in lock down I might even be uploading more. I'm not making any promises though.

Also we're not completely in lock down yet, but I'm expecting it to happen within a week, I mean if we don't then idk what they're doing anymore.

Also, please everyone stay safe! Wash your hands, stay inside as much as you can. I know it might seem stupid if you're young and healthy, but think of your grandparents, of other people their grandparents, of friends who might have diabetes, astma,  It's important!


Alexis' POV

Now that I had the news that my pregnancy test is positive yesterday, I decided tot take another day off of school. I also decided to use this time for good and plan my weekend with Billie for when she gets home again, I think with all the recent stuff that's been happening it'll be good to have some quality time for us.

I also have to go to the doctor again later today to listen what my options are. I actually am stressed about it. I don't want press to find out about this, at least not yet. If people outside my friends and family hear of this news it has to be because I make a post about it on Instagram or something and not because press saw me get to the doctor or saw me growing a baby bump.

But like I said, to take my mind of things I decided to start planning my weekend with Billie, but I decide to first tekst her.

Me: hey Bil! I decided to stay home after the news of yesterday, I'm currently planning our weekend for when you get back. I really can't wait for that moment anymore, I need you more then anything!

Billie: 3 more weeks and 3 days, love you X

I smile at her text, not only the fact that she's counting like that, but also the fact that she takes time to immediately respons even thought she's probably busy.

Me: Can we call tonight?

Billie: Not sure, I'll try. Tomorrow for sure

I put my Phone away and start searching for fun places to stay for our weekend.


After searching for hours, I finally found what I was looking for. It's a cabin deep in forest, located near a beautiful lake. I decide to book that. I also thought of the fact that it might be smart to book a little later then the actual date that Billie is going to be back from tour, because there's a real chance that something comes inbetween and it's gonna get postponed. You never know with the combination of our jobs.

Talking about our jobs. I still have to meet up with Simon to work on our clothes. I've been trying to avoid it for too long. That's what pushes me to take my phone and deal his number.

"Hey Alexis, is this important? I'm kind of in the middle of a class. I that Alexis? Oh my god give that phone over here." I here Basil say. I laugh when I hear Simon whine but hear Basil his voice right after.

"Hey girl, how are you doing? Why are you calling? Aren't you at school? Are you a bad girl skipping school?" He asks, causing me to laugh.

"No, I'm not feeling good, I'm seeing a doctor later today." I explain him.

"You can talk to uncle Basil, you know that right?" He asks.

"I know Basil, thank you. But give me Simon again and I'll text you later to hang out some time. Alright?" I ask him.

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