xlvii. ━━ violent ends

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»»————- act three. from the ashes
FORTY SEVEN ━━ violent ends

when everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching, they are your family

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when everything goes to hell,
the people who stand by you without
flinching, they are your family


THERE IS A CERTAIN MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE, THAT MAKES YOUR HEART RACE SO UNCONTROLABLY you actually start to think it will explode from your ribcage and tear your skin apart. Maybe it starts faintly, like poison slowly working it's way through your system. You start to sweat, and your gut get all twisted, and breathing, suddenly becomes the hardest task you ever faced. Then the fear creeps up, and it is like instead of exploding, you heart freezes up, no longer beating and supporting you. You stand rooted to the ground, ears ringing and thoughts hazy. You tell yourself, run! Run you idiot, but your limbs remain still and you feel like you lost all control. And as you stand, in the face of death, Erin knows that this brave heart of hers, is failing her for the first time.

She had known fear, and pain and had experienced truly terrifying things in her short life, but never had she felt like this as she helplessly stared at the black tar-like liquid that came cascading down the enormous walls at a rapid speed.

The katana strapped to her back, the one that had saved her so many times, felt completely useless in this situation and all she wants to do is close her eyes and wait for everything to pass.

"Erin!" The voice sounds panicked, but for some reason it does not penetrate her brain. It is like she's back at district four with her head beneath the ocean waves. She can almost taste the salt, feel the coldness on her skin.

She feels a pull, one like the waves calling her back to shore. But this one is stronger, more desperate and chaotic. Her body betrays her, feet stumbling and twisting to remain upright and her head whirls around to find Finnick's face in front of her.

Never had she seen this look of utter fear engraved on his face, and everything seems to move in slow motion. His lips are forming words, but they do not come in.

"We need to go!" She barely makes the words out, the constant ringing in her ears making it impossible.

And like the waves back in district four, everything crashed around her. The noise returns, the yelling, the screaming and shouts of her unit. It's like her heart isn't frozen anymore and blood streams through her limbs.


The brunette can't bring herself to say anything, but she sets the first step forward, and then everything moves at a high speed, the scenery around her blurs to nothing more than greys and greens as from somewhere ahead of them, Jackson shouted at them to go to higher ground.

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