Chapter 1: Where to begin???

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Note: Alexander's thoughts are in Italic. please don't get confused. :) 

Featured Character: Alex. :D

And Please write your comments, good or bad, I'll accept. :) Vote as well! :)


"You! Guy in the back row, up in front and introduce yourself!" 

I walked up in front of the class, slightly shaking and collecting my thoughts.

"Hi, I'm Alexander Reed, you can call me Alex, and I'm 16 yrs. old, uhmmm". I waved shyly

"Oh shit!" I thought to myself as I sweat up a bit. "---don't mess up right now, It's just the first day of classes and I don't want to look stupid! Quick Brain! Think of something, something that they may think that I'm a cool kid, and not this nerdy, brown haired loser. AHA!"

 "----and I like to play video games and listen to Kpop!" as soon as I blurted that out, some of them chuckled, while some looked at me as if they were disgusted of me. 

"Thanks a lot brain for giving me that shitty idea. Oh well life here couldn't get any worse. I should really get used to the fact that I'm effin weird.


Lunch Time...

"Take a deep breath, and here we go" as I opened the cafeteria door, and I was shocked because there was a sea of people and it felt like I was sinking.

My nerves are getting the best of me, I'm not use to big crowds and also starting a conversation with anyone is not my kind of thing. I'm the "you talk to me first" kind of guy, not that I'm snobbish or what, I'm just that awkward with meeting new people, but once you get to know me, I become more open with interaction. :)

"Wow, I never expected that going to highschool would be this complicated. But I must endure this." my stomach suddenly rumbled. "'--- 'cause I'm hungry."

I got in line and looked for some good food. And after I got my food, a new problem appeared! "Where to sit? hmmmmm" as I scanned the whole cafeteria for possibly an available seat.

While walking, a group of, I guess, freshmen like me, invited me to sit with them. "May the gracious God, bless your souls!!!" 

I sighed in relief as I walk up to them.

"Hey kid! Here, you can sit beside me." said the brown haired girl, who I must say is pretty cute with her cute  little ribbon on her headband as she patted the seat beside her.

"Thanks!" said it with an awkward smile as I felt my nerves getting the best of me, but I tried shrugging it off.

"By the way, I'm Emma Harris, and they are Mason Adams and Liam Scott. And you are?" she smiled beautifully.

"Oh, I'm Alexander Reed, but you can call me Alex." as they listen intently. 

"So Alex, where are your friends? I mean you must have some friends from your previous school, right?" Mason asked me curiously. I saw Liam and Emma, feeling the same confusion.

"Uhmm, ----- We just moved here in Southvale just this summer. We used to live in Statesfield but my Mom decided to transfer homes because of some personal problems." Their expressions changed from being curious to being sympathetic.

"Oh, so that's why you don't have any friends here." Liam pointing out the obvious, I just nodded.

"Well, from now on I'm gonna be one of your friends here at Vale" Said Mason as he placed his arm comfortably in my shoulder.

Life in the Closet [Book 1] [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя