Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Note: Alexander's thoughts are in Italic. please don't get confused. :) 

Spread the word! CHAPTER 4 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *whew* I miss writing!! :)) And I hope you kinda miss me. :) 

So, Chapter 4 as I promised will be much lighter. Plus! There is a new character!!! you'll know his name, and his part in the story in this chapter.

So he is This Chapter's Featured Character! *fireworks* WOOT WOOT!!!

I think you guys are going to like this chapter. 'cause I did! :)) Wait for the twist in the ending of the chapter! :))


"Hey, can you hand me the ball?" The guy said to me as he walked towards me, 

I can't really see his face because the sun behind him was blinding me, but I can tell that he is a Football player, just because I saw the ball was a football. :))))))

I picked up the football that magically appeared beside me. "How did that get there???"

I handed it to him.

"Thanks kid, btw I'm Kyle, and you?"  he asked as he was getting the ball from my hand. 

I still can't see his face even if I have already used my hands as a shade.

"You're Welcome. And I'm Alex." I said, squinting because of the sunlight directed on my face. "Hey I got to go, I'm late for my class. Nice to meet you though." Then I turned back and went to class.


Since I'm new here, I still haven't memorized the way to my classrooms. 

"Why does this school have to be so big?!"

Finally I saw it. Room 83G. I entered the room and there was no sign of my teacher. "SUCCESS!!!" *whew* 


I took an empty seat besides the window and I took out my notebook, and doodled for a while, waiting for the time to past. 

"I'm not even great with doodle-ing," LOL

After a few minutes of doodle-ing, someone sat beside me. "I hope this seat is not taken" a familiar voice said.

I looked to see who it was, I thought wrong, I don't know him. LOL. 

"It's not." I said as I looked back at my masterpiece and continued to scribble things in my notebook. 

"Hey, you're Alex right?" said the guy beside me. 

"Yeah, how'd you know my name?" I was baffled.

"Do I already have my stalker? Again! another guy!? Am I that attractive?!?"

He chuckled, "I'm Kyle, in the field, the ball. Does any of that ring a bell to you?"

"OHHHHHH!!!!! So he's Kyle. So that's what he look like. Brown hair with hazel eyes. hmm , not bad..."

"Ow, sorry I didn't recognized you. The sun was in my eyes back there. So I don't really know how you look." I said as I smiled.

"It's okay, so you don't mind me sitting here?" he flashed a smile at me 

"Yeah sure."  I answered with a smile. 

"Thanks. So I guess you are new here? You seem to have no friends here." He asked as we wait for our very late English teacher. 

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