Chapter 6: Answers

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Note: Alexander's thoughts are in Italic. please don't get confused. :) 

Wow! I'm now on the 6th chapter of my story. YAY!!!

Hmmm. Since nobody had commented yet on the previous chapter, I'll just pick randomly from my fans, to whom I'll dedicate this chapter. It's making me sad because you guys doesn't seem to like this. :( 

This chapter will answer the questions left by previous chapters. :)

Enjoy! :D


We arrived at the Sanders' Residence, and Emma's eyes are still glued to Kyle's face.

"Hey, Em, stop staring at Kyle." I snapped her out the trance she was in.

"Why should you be such a sour grape!" She hissed and crossed her arms.

"I'm just saying..." I explained. "He might think you're crazy, and besides...."

"BLAH BLAH BLAH!" she covered her ears like a child.

"Are you guys just gonna argue like this the whole night?" He smiled with amusement and scratched his head lightly. 

"I forgot we are still in his car." LOL

"Well he started it!" She pointed at me and pouted.

"Me! I'm just saying that it's rude to stare, unless you're a perverted maniac" I chuckled.

She just gave me a glare.

"Why did I just say that?! We've been like this since she was acting all weird. Here we go again! I'm jealous! What am I supposed to do?"

"Hey Em, I didn't mean it..." I apologized. "I didn't mean to offend you, I was just joking..."

Then she looked at Kyle and they both started laughing.

"Really now! They got me again!!!! Note to self, 'STOP BEING SO GULLIBLE'."

"Gotcha again Lexy!!" She laughed again as I blushed because of embarrassment. 

"Your face is so red again!" Kyle said as he was still laughing.

"Oh c'mon, it's not that even funny." I said trying to hide my shame. "Really? What's so funny about that?"

"Alright." Kyle said as he stopped laughing, "Shall we go then?"

"Yeah, right after I get over his face." she said still laughing. "I didnt' mean to offend you, I was just joking." She was trying to imitate me, but failed in so many ways.

I just went out of the car, and Kyle followed.

"Hey bro, just chill, we are here to have fun, right?" Kyle said and was a bit worried

Emma then came out of the car. "Lexy, don't be mad." She hugged me "you know that I can't stay mad at you, I love you!"

"Yeah, yeah." I said coldly.

"C'mon you two lovebirds, we need to go inside now. They are starting to have fun without us." He said with a seemingly jealous look on his face.

We followed him to the front door, with Emma still hugging me. 

He rang the doorbell.

A guy looking just like Kyle but looks younger answered the door. Seems to be he's in the same age as Emma and I.

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