Chapter 9

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Well, that was embarrassing. Oh god, I cried like a child in front of the enemy.

"Hello." I grimaced at the guy standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"Are you okay, now?" Luther asked after an awkward pause.

It was now or never. I made a dash for the entrance realising the awkwardness that followed my breakdown would relax their guard on me slightly.

"I guess you're back to normal then." The awkwardness was gone now but at the price of whatever previously filled my lungs. The arm he had stretched out to block my way collided with my stomach, winding me.

"God damn it." I breathed out sprawled across the floor on my back. "Can't you relax, just for one day?" I rolled my eyes towards him receiving a shake of his head in response. "What do you think of Soleil?"

The night is still young and it might be early enough to get rid of his infatuation.

"Why do you keep asking me about Soleil?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Just curious about something."

"Yesterday..." He began awkwardly as he scratched back of his neck.

We just got over the awkward, why are you bringing it back?

Seeing me open my mouth to cut him off he quickly explained. "Not about, that. But what did you mean by that this wasn't real?"

"I can't really remember much about what I said yesterday." I forced a smile then ran for the exit yet again.

"Who's Samuel?" He stepped in front of the doorway to block me.

Oh no, he's already got his eyes on Samuel. It's like he knows the guy's gonna die in his hands.

"Sam... uel? Do I... know them?"

Come on, play dumb it's what you're best at Autumn.

"..." Luther looked at me in disbelief. I could see it in his eyes that he was shocked that I thought this sub-par performance would trick him.

"..." I exchanged a look of innocence for his look of disbelief.

"Just a heads up, the builders are coming in about 10 minutes to fix the door." He relented on the matter with a sudden change of subject.

"Okay, thanks?" It came out sounding more like a question, only because it was such a foreign thing to say to the guy.

"You're welcome?" His response came out just as confused as mine, probably because he found it just as foreign to receive thanks.

"You can leave now?" Keeping up the questioning tone going I pulled the almost unhinged door back to let him out.

He said nothing else as he exited stiffly, and not even 5 minutes later 2 builders came shuffling in.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked as they drilled away at the door frame, not that I had any drinks to offer.

"Ye-" His colleague interrupted him before the word could even leave his mouth.

"No thanks, we've got a few jobs lined up so we'll do this real quick and be on our way."

"Y-yeah loads of jobs lined up. We'll be out of your hair in a jiffy." He carried in the ladder under his arm, turning around to set it under the door but not before bashing me in the head with it. "Are you okay?" He cried out as he hurriedly placed the ladder on the ground.

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