Chapter 35

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Chaemin's POV

I'm at the airport right now to pick up Eunhae. She doesn't have a car or family in Korea, so she asked if my parents could come pick her up, and of course I agreed.

"Eunhae! Over here!" I wave excitedly as soon as I see her. It's only been a few days since I last saw her, but I miss her a lot already.

"Chaemin. Hi," she responds cooly.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. The Eunhae that I know would jump up and down, throw her arms around he, squeeze me until I almost suffocate, and then tell me all about her flight.

"Um, my dad is, well, waiting for us outside," I inform her awkwardly, puzzled by the change in her behavior.

"Alright," she replies, checking her phone and quickly sending a message to someone. Wow, that was rude.

As we walk out towards the parking lot, I take a moment to scan her outfit. Now, this is an unusual choice of clothing for Eunhae.

First, she's wearing a crop top with a jacket, which is so not her style because she gets cold easily AND she almost always just throws on a hoodie in the winter, like me.

Second, she's wearing high-waisted jeans. I've almost never seen Eunhae wear jeans before - it's always either leggings, shorts, or sweatpants. She's always told me they were uncomfortable.

Third, the shoes she have on are a pair of Converse. Eunhae doesn't wear Converse, and that's that. Every time we go out, it's either a pair of sneakers or slip-on shoes.

And finally, her accessories. It's unsettling looking at my best friend wearing actual jewelry. Her ears weren't even pierced last time I checked. Her hair also wasn't bleached at the ends when I left America.

Even her suitcase is different. Normally, Eunhae would have a vibrant, patterned suitcase that pops out in the crowd. But the suitcase trailing behind her is a simple black, hard-cover suitcase, which matches her black backpack, which would usually be a purse.

"What? Do I look weird or something?" Eunhae asks, sounding almost... annoyed at me. What is with her today?

"N-no, I just thought that you looked, um, different. But like, don't worry, you look great. Yeah, you look amazing," I assure her, although I much prefer the Eunhae I left in America.

Eunhae raises her eyebrow at me and then shrugs and continues walking. However, my mind is filled with the image of her face with makeup all over it. Eunhae never wears makeup.

"Hi Mr. Yang," she greets my father, sliding into the passenger's seat. So she's just going to ignore me, huh? Okay, I see how it is.

"Hey Eunhae!" he responds as I slide into the back seat. "How was your flight?"

"It was horrible. The food was awful, the wind hates me, I couldn't go to sleep, the person next to me was playing music so loud I could hear it through their headphones, and I didn't catch a wink of sleep," she complains.

"Oh, wow," my dad comments as he glances at me through the rear-view mirror, equally bewildered by her unusual behavior. Eunhae is like a daughter to him.

"So, Chaemin, you got to see NCT yesterday?" she asks randomly.

"Um, yeah?" I reply, perplexed by the change of topic. I guess I don't get a, "How are you Chaemin? I missed you!" or anything like that.

"Can you take me to see them someday?" she asks, her tone demanding.

"Um, I don't think I have the power to do that," I begin uncomfortably.

"What do you mean? You literally know where they live and have their numbers!" she exclaims, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Well, it's not my place to take you anywhere near them without their permission," I respond, my voice faltering.

"For goodness sake, Chaemin, I'm literally your best friend," Eunhae sighs, rolling her eyes. "Remember when I helped you pack up your apartment? Return the favor, at least!"

"But this is different," I insist indignantly.

"What do you mean, this is different? I can't believe you, Chaemin,  I thought we were friends," she mutters in a tone of disgust, sassily flipping her hair back.

"They're idols, Eunhae. I'm not going to take you to them without permission!" I cry in exasperation.

"I really thought our friendship went deeper," she growls. Now I feel guilty. Is she trying to guilt me into taking her to see NCT?

"Why do you even want to see them so bad?" I ask, confused.

"Because I'm an NCTzen, Chaemin! Or did you forget already, you dumb excuse of a best friend?" Eunhae yells.

"Just because you're a fan doesn't mean you get to go and invade their privacy like that! I'm not taking you to their dorm, okay?" I fire back. This girl really is trying to make me angry, huh?

"If I can't see NCT, you take me to see Taeyong," she bargains.

"No. I'm not taking you to see anyone. Is this the whole reason why you came to Korea? I really thought you missed me!" I challenge her, my blood boiling.

"Alright, alright, girls, calm down," my father interjects from the driver's seat before things get too heated. Whoops, I forgot he was here with us. I didn't even do anything wrong, though.

I huff and cross my arms, while Eunhae just takes out her phone and starts texting someone again. I have a really bad feeling about my so-called "best friend".

I don't get angry often, but Eunhae is really getting on my nerves today. And she's literally asking for me to let her stalk idols, which is dumb.

But one thing I know for sure.

I'm not taking this girl to NCT, and that's final.


Ha you all really thought I was going to make Chaemin weak jk

I actually considered it but decided against it lol

Thanks for reading!

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