Chapter 54

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Taeyong's POV

~Time Skip. A very long time skip. Like, a two week time skip.~

It's been a great month, I'm not going to lie. I feel better than I've felt in so long. And it's all because of a certain someone.

That's right, Chaemin and I have been hanging out pretty much every day, and I'm telling you, it's made a pretty big difference in my life. 

And apparently it's noticeable, too. Johnny hyung has been teasing me nonstop since that time Chaemin had a sleepover, and now everyone else has hopped on.

Tomorrow, we get our New Year's break for two days, which is why everyone is so excited today. The practice room is full of energy and chatter.

"What are you doing tomorrow, Taeyong?" Xiaojun asks, approaching me.

"Hm, I don't know, probably just hanging out with Chaemin or something," I respond, shrugging. I haven't really thought about what we're going to do.

"You know what I think?" Johnny asks, somehow appearing behind me out of thin air.

"Um, what?" I reply, not knowing whether or not I want to actually listen to his idea.

"I think you should take Chaemin on a date, and then... confess to her," he announces dramatically out of the blue.

"What? Where did that come from?" I exclaim.

"I think it's a great idea!" Xiaojun agrees enthusiastically, clapping his hands together. "Taeyong could ask Chaemin to be his girlfriend on New Year's Eve, and then they live happily after ever!"

By now, a crowd has gathered, and by a crowd I mean pretty much all of the members, intrigued by Xiaojun's loud statement.

"This isn't even funny anymore at this point, you're obviously in love," Johnny sighs, rolling his eyes. Here we go, another episode of Tease The Taeyong.

"We can help you!" Kun agrees, smiling.

"Fine, I guess..." I trail off. It's pretty hard to resist the whole group, especially when a) I know deep down that I really do like Chaemin, and b) I know they'll bother me until I say yes.

The room erupts into cheers of excitement at my answer. It's so easy to please these guys. I can only hope that they're not going to ruin my relationship with her.

"Let's get it! Chaeyong squad!" Mark hollers, hyping everyone up. Johnny silences the whole group with a flourish of his hand. Impressive.

"Alright, I think all we need to do is plan out their date!" Johnny explains, then notices that I'm still in the room, and says, "And... We'll do that later!"

"Remind me why I'm trusting you all with this again?" I mutter.

"Because we're pros. Just think about it as a fun surprise, okay?" Yuta tells me, smirking. I know he's already got something in that brain of his.

"Alright, alright," I sigh. 

"So, do you have any ideas of your own, so-to-be-boyfriend-of-Chaemin?" Johnny asks, slipping his phone out of his pocket, probably to "take notes".

"Not really, just please don't screw this up," I respond.

"Alright, now we're going to be asking you some questions about your preferences," he announces.

"Bring it on," is my answer.

"Would you rather have a picnic date, dinner date, or amusement park date?"

"Do you want any third wheels tagging along for emotional support?"

"Would you like this to be a dress up kind of date, or just casual?"

"How long do you want this date to be?"

"If she returns the confession, you're asking her to be your girlfriend, right?"

"Can you please try not to be awkward?"

"Not a question, but we'd like to let you know that this is going to be the best, most professionally planned out date that you've ever gone on, not that you've gone on any before."

 By the time our break is over, my face is as red as a tomato and the outline of the event is pretty much set. Now everyone else is going to work their magic. Supposedly.

This is going to be interesting.


Alright now we finally getting to the date everyone :) 

If you want to you can comment preferences, otherwise I'll just pick random stuff

Thanks for reading!

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