Chapter 21

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Chaemin's POV

When I get to Jisung, he looks at the page that Taeyong signed a little weirdly. Is there something wrong with his signature?

But Jisung quickly pretends that he saw nothing, and signs my album. He probably just saw something on that page.

Before I know it, I've made my way down the whole table and am now heading out the door of the room. I look back at the 23 idols before exiting the room.

I feel like I'm floating as I walk down the hallway, like there's no gravity affecting me. I can't believe that I got to meet NCT in person! I hug my album closer to my chest.

I quickly text my parents that the concert has ended. Yes, I had to ask their permission first, and they surprisingly agreed to let me go, so long as I paid for it myself, which I obviously did.

Sitting down on a bench outside, I wait for my parents to get here. I decide that I can't wait to see what everyone's signatures look like in my album, so I take it out of my bag and start flipping through it.

Their signatures are so pretty and cute! Some of them wrote messages, such as "Thanks for supporting us!" or other nice things.

When I turn to the page that Taeyong signed, my breath hitches in my throat. Now I know why Jisung was looking at the page strangely.

There, under Taeyong's perfectly pretty signature, is a phone number.

Is that the legend's phone number himself? Naw, I bet he wouldn't give me his number. He probably isn't even allowed to in the first place, anyways. I can't get my hopes up.

Nevertheless, I can't wait to get home and try the number, just in case. Stop getting your hopes up, Chaemin! He's an idol, you're a fan.

As I finish looking through the album, I hear a car honk and see that it's my dad, here to pick me up. I quickly put the album back in my bag and slide into the passenger's seat.

"How was the concert?" he asks, pulling onto the street, trying to avoid the crowds of fans loitering about.

"It was amazing. I even got to meet the idols in person!" I answer happily.

"No way!" he laughs in disbelief.

"Yep, I'm a pretty lucky fan, aren't I? My seat was one of the last ones available, which was lucky itself. And there was a ticket on it to go to a special fansign kind of thing after the concert!" I exclaim, refraining from telling him about Taeyong's number.

"Wow, you're really lucky," my dad comments.

"Yep," I answer, foot tapping up and down impatiently. When will this car ride be over? This is absolute torture.

~Time Skip~

Thank goodness I'm finally home.

As soon as I get into our house, I kick off my shoes, briefly greet my mom, and then race to my room as fast as I can.

Grabbing the album out of my bag, I also grab my phone and fumble around with it a litttle. With trembling fingers, I turn to the correct page and type in the number, double checking to make sure that it's the right one.

Then I spend about half an hour debating what to send. How about a "Hi"? Or would a "Hey, I'm Chaemin" be better? Maybe "Are you Taeyong?" would be good? Naw, too short and rude.

Finally, I decide on "Hi, I'm Chaemin from the NCT concert." As soon as I click "Send", I low-key start hyperventilating. Aigoo, that was the wrong message to send! What do I do now?

As I'm jumping around in my room, trying to get all of my stress and energy out, my phone pings. Right away, I start sweating again, scared to open the message.

After a few seconds, I summon all of my courage and click on the notification.

It says, "Hi, Chaemin, I'm Taeyong." No way. There is absolutely no way. I bet a million dollars this is just a prank he pulled on me for fun.

Before I can stop myself, I type, "Really?", and then send it. Aigoo, this is so weird!

yep, its me

As soon as he says that, I start freaking out. AGAIN. With shaky typing, I manage to ask, "No way! Why did you give me my your number, by the way?" I also rename the contact.

just wanted to get to know you better ;)


oh, really? im pretty boring actually 😅

idk, ur pretty cool

ah really?
not as cool as u tho

aw, dont say that
so, how old r u?

im 23

ah nice
im 25

even tho i knew that

o yea, i forgot my birthday was all over the internet

Mei actually have to go eat right now, ttyl?

o ok, ttyl! bye!

I don't have to go eat dinner right now, I just got super nervous. Chaemin, what did you just do? I bet fans would die to get Taeyong's number, and I just ended our conversation.

I think about starting the conversation back up, then decide against it.

Instead, I decide to just take a few minutes to calm myself down.


Tbh, I would freak out too if I ever got to talk to Taeyong. Except that'll never happen. 😔

Thank you for reading!

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