Chapter 1

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Chaemin's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please!"

I bury my face in my pillow and listen to my alarm. Why is it set so early today? It's only 4:00 in the morning. I mean, I'd wake up to "Long Flight" any time, but why so early?

Finally sitting up, I look around at my empty room. And I suddenly remember why I set my alarm so early. Yay, my brain is finally working.

I'm supposed to go to Korea today. My parents live there, and I just finished college, so I'm 23 years old. They want me to find a job in Korea so I can stay near them.

And here I am, sitting in bed, feeling dead. I reluctantly turn off my alarm.

Sighing, I drag myself out of bed to get ready. I've already packed all my stuff, and half of it is already in Korea, with my parents. The rest is still on the way and should arrive soon.

I shower and brush my teeth, before throwing the rest of the stuff in my bathroom into my suitcase. Then I grab the only outfit I have left in my apartment that isn't in my suitcase, other than my pajamas, which are going in the suitcase in a few minutes.

I put on the white hoodie and pull on my black jeans. Then I quickly brush my hair and eat some fruit that I left for myself yesterday for breakfast.

Ding Dong!

 I hear the doorbell ring. I run across the room and open the door.

"Hi, Chaemin!" My best friend, Eunhae, is standing at the door, full of energy, like she always is.

"Hi, Eunhae. Are you here to finally empty my apartment for me?" I ask with no enthusiasum.

"Stop being tired, Chaemin. And yes, I'm here to do that," she answers, running past me into my apartment.

"What if I can't?" I sigh, closing the door and going back into my apartment.

By the time everything except my suitcase and backpack are outside my apartment, it's already 5:30. My flight is at 7:00 - I need to get going soon.

"Chaemin!" Eunhae calls, as if on cue. I take one last look around what was once my room, making sure that I didn't leave anything behind. Then I close the bedroom door behind me and see Eunhae, standing by the door with my suitcase and backpack.

"Do you have everything?" she asks. I take one last look around my apartment and nod.

"Yay! Let's go!" she exclaims, running out the door with my suitcase. I follow her out, closing the door to what was once my New York apartment.

We head down to the garage, where Eunhae's car is. She's going to be driving me to the airport.

"Eunhae! Are you going somewhere?" The old lady who lives next door asks. She's just come back from a vacation, and probably has Jet lag.

"Nope! Chaemin's moving to Korea!" Eunhae answers. I don't blame the lady for thinking Eunhae's the one going somewhere - I'm just walking behind her with nothing but my phone.

"Oh! I'm going to miss you, Chaemin! I hope you have a safe flight!" the old lady answers, smiling. I thank her and we continue to the garage.

Eunhae puts my suitcase in the trunk and tosses my backpack into the back seat. She gets into the driver's seat, and I go into the passenger's seat.

"Don't throw my backpack. It has precious food in it," I mutter, buckling my seatbelt.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she answers, backing the car out. Soon we're on the highway. I'm going to be leaving a lot behind, including Eunhae, who's currently jamming to NCT songs.

Before I know it, we're at the airport already. It takes 45 minutes to get there, yet it feels like it was only a minute.

Eunhae takes my suitcase out from the trunk, and takes my backpack out of the back seat.

"Do you have everything?" she asks. "Passport? Phone? Plane ticket? Wallet just in case?"

"Yea, it's all in my backpack. And food," I remind her.

"I'm going to miss you!" Eunhae exclaims, hugging me. I hug her back.

"Same. I'll text you when I get there. Bye!" I answer. She nods and hands me my backpack and my suitcase.

I take them and start walking towards the sliding doors. I turn around to wave one last time before the doors slide closed.

And then I work on trying to prepare myself for the 14 hour flight that awaits me.


First chapter!

Thank you for reading!

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