Chapter 48

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Chaemin's POV

"And then there was an invasion..." the tour guide continues as we continue through the museum.

I glance over to see if Taeyong is actually paying attention, but instead am met with his piercing dark brown eyes. He quickly averts his gaze. I shrug and keep listening.

This same thing happens a few times during the whole tour - Look at Taeyong, avert gaze, continue listening. 

I don't pay much thought to it, though. I'm here to get an education, right?

"So, what are we doing now?" I ask once the tour ends.

"Oh, um, let's go eat something," he suggests. "I booked a restaurant, actually, since I got bored yesterday."

"Really? Thank you!" I exclaim happily. I love food. And I love anyone who gives me food.

"It's really close to the museum, let's go," he invites.

After a few minutes and a discussion about history, we arrive at the restaurant. This place looks really expensive... Well, he's an idol, so I guess that makes sense.

"It's a hot pot place," Taeyong explains after checking in. We get to a little booth, where a waiter comes to take our order.

"So, how did your plan work out?" Taeyong asks once our orders are placed.

"It actually went really smoothly," I respond somewhat proudly.

"Tell me about it!" he urges.

"Well, I met her at the airport, and we went to the gate. I told her I had to grab my charger, so she went on the plane first, and I never got on. The plane took off, and I think she's gone for good. And I texted her parents to let them know," I narrate.

"I feel like you didn't make that sound as exciting as it was," he teases.

"That's exactly how it happened, though," I respond. "It was really quite boring, but a very rewarding experience, if you ask me."

"Getting rid of a toxic friend? Yes, very rewarding," he laughs, playing along. "But like, seriously, thank you."

"For what?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "If anything, I should be thanking you."

"I don't know, for giving me something to look forward to?" he says slowly, sounding unsure. I look up from my hands and see that his face is pink.

"Are you blushing?" I tease.

"What? No! I just mean that it gets stressful being and idol sometimes and it's nice to have interaction with other people," he rambles.

"It's fine, I get it, I was just playing with you," I laugh as our food comes. We move onto lighter topics.

~Time Skip~

"Thank you for the meal," I thank Taeyong as we get into a car, driven by one of NCT's managers. I'm a little nervous about it, in case I've already given them a bad impression.

"So, are you Chaemin?" the manager asks, starting the car and looking me up and down in a judging manner.

"Um, yes, nice to meet you," I stutter nervously.

"I've heard a lot about you," he comments. He doesn't seem to like me a lot, does he?

"Um, yes, I have been around a lot these days. What did you hear about me?" I ask, unsure what I'm supposed to say.

"Renjun was telling me about how you singlehandedly saved the whole group from a crazy sasaeng fan by beating them up and then shipping them off to America, all within the span of an hour," he explains, clearly doubtful of the story.

"That might be a little over-" I get cut off by Taeyong confirming, "Yep, she did that. And she's a very nice person, too."

"Well, okay, then," the man says in confusion.

I gratefully cast a glance at Taeyong and get rewarded with a wink. I turn to the window as my face heats up, pretending that I saw nothing as he chuckles softly.


Sorry for not updating yesterday I'm kinda busy this weekend :/

But I do have a really exciting announcement! namelessmoon is translating this book into French! If you're interested, please go check it out on their profile! <3

And happy 22k, 23k, 24k, AND 25k reads! All of this somehow happened in 2 days? I don't know how to thank you all💚

Thanks for reading!

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