Chapter 39

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Chaemin's POV

After Eunhae finally leaves me alone, I re-inspect my bed and decide to just get a replacement beam, or if that isn't possible, I'll just get a new bed.

I wonder who's going to be paying for it.

A few seconds later, my mom pops her head into my room. I get out from under the bed and brush myself off.

"Um, is Eunhae okay?" she asks. Right, Eunhae was like a daughter to my mom, because of how contrasting our personalities are. Well, were.

"I really don't know. She's... acting strange," I respond. "Also, can you take me to get a new beam for my bed soon? Eunhae broke mine."

I watch as my mom's jaw drops open. "Wow, that's a little... far," she comments, tapping on the broken beam.

"Yeah. Should I made Eunhae pay for it?" I ask, debating on it.

"Of course! Why wouldn't she pay for it?" she replies.

"I mean, yeah, I'll just ask her to. I'm pretty tired of her behavior. I want the old Eunhae back," I sigh.

"Agreed," my mom says, sitting next to me on my bed. This is why I love my mom. She's so understanding.

"Alright, I'll text her about it," I decide, picking up my phone.

Hey Eunhae, can you please pay for a new beam for my bed, since you broke it?

ur bed is just bad quality
go get a new one urself

I facepalm, not even believing her. The scene of her jumping onto my bed replays in my head, making me laugh. I don't know why, it's like I'm watching one of those try not to laugh videos and somebody just failed something really badly.

My mom leans over to look at my screen. I fire back another message.

um sorry but like you broke my bed?
are u ok in the head rn?

cmon i have no money
i spent it all coming to korea to see an ungrateful excuse of a best friend

u literally only came cuz i have connections to NCT
and ur trying to use me
"excuse of a best friend"
i'd love if u could just be responsible for your own mistakes, y'know
pay for the bed

I read over the texts I just sent and decide that, yes, Eunhae shouldn't be my bestfriend. I change her name from "Bestie" to "Toxic".

im just gonna
u know
block u

go ahead

message not sent, user has blocked you

I shrug, placing my phone next to me. I couldn't care less. I'm actually happy I'm blocked, since now she can't bother me anymore.

"Nice job," my mom compliments. "Honestly, she deserved that." I smile at my mom's reaction to my savage rant.

"Thanks," I respond just as my phone pings again.

"You seem to have a lot of friends," my mom comments, raising her eyebrows at me. "I didn't know that you made new friends already. How come you didn't tell me?"

"I got put in a group chat with like 20 other people, so, I guess I have new friends?" I respond, picking up my phone to check who it is.

chaemin wanna come visit again
the children are bothering me



sure why not


Everyone else proceeds to voice their happiness. I just sit there and let them do their thing.

"Chaemin, your phone is blowing up with notifications," my mom points out, eyeing the device on the bed in between us.

"Yeah, I know, just let them do their thing," I reply, listening to the endless pings ringing throughout the room. I get bored of them and turn my ringer off.

"I can't believe you have new friends. And they seem very friendly and open, too," my mom comments, wiping away a fake tear and casting me a look.

"Mom!" I exclaim. I didn't value friends a lot growing up, and I never got really close to any of them, except for Eunhae, who's been my friend for a few years now. 

And that's why I feel kind of guilty getting mad at her. But, the toxic friends have to go, right? Plus, she's not the Eunhae I used to know anymore.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding," she laughs.

"Can you take me over to my friends' dorm later? It's pretty close by, just about ten minutes away," I request.

"Sure! Just let me know before I leave for work," she agrees. I love the days when my mom doesn't have to go to work early in the morning.

"Alright, thanks!" I wave as my mom gets up from my bed and goes to do whatever she needs to do. I decide to ask for the details of my visit.

when should i come
and also where do i go

5th floor, in like half an hour

yeah, what he said

alright see u soon!

~Time Skip~

"Thanks mom!" I call, waving as I stand at the front of the apartment building. She waves back and drives off to her job, which is coincidentally close to NCT's dorms.

I head up the elevator and knock on the door with the correct number. Hearing all of the loud noises coming from behind it confirms that I'm at the right place.

"Hey, Chaemin!" Taeyong greets me casually, opening the door. The chatter of people conversing and jumping around increases as I step in. Taeyong just closes the door behind me, unbothered by the chaos.

"Oh, hi, Taeyong," I respond. It's going to take a while to get used to the energy of this group, isn't it?

After a lot of friendly arguing and the mentions of a few inside jokes, we decide to watch a random movie to pass the time.

I follow everyone to the area in front of the TV, watching as the group sits down on the floor, on couches, and on chairs. Some even remain standing. I decide to sit on the floor next to Mark.

Before we even pick the movie, everyone has already started making noise once again.

This is going to be an interesting few hours.


Happy New Year everyone! (I'm probably late for half of you all but still)

Happy 9K reads too! We're getting reads so fast I can barely keep up, tysm!💚

Thanks for reading!

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