Chapter 13

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Chaemin's POV

After my embarrassing stunt, I bolt through the crowd and make a beeline for the parking lot. A few minutes later, I get there and spot my dad's car.

"Why are you running so fast? I have plenty of time," he laughs as he tosses my suitcase into the trunk, with me standing on the side catching my breath.

"I may or may not have just saved someone's life," I gasp with a smile.

"Are you sure?" my dad asks. "Also, I missed you, too."

"Oh, sorry. I missed you, Dad!" I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. "And yes, I may be exaggerating a little bit. But I did just save someone from a crowd of fans," I continue.

"Oh really? Well, I'm proud of you. Who is this person?" my dad asks, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the car.

"A Kpop idol!" I exclaim, collapsing into the passenger's seat and throwing my backpack into the back seat. I've already eaten half of the snacks in there, so it's okay to throw it now.

"And... which one is it?" asks my dad, backing out of the parking space.

"The leader of NCT, Taeyong! He's also in SuperM," I answer, still excited.

"Oh, the one you're always talking about? You met him?" my dad asks, laughing as he turns out of the airport and onto the street.

"Yep! I even got a signed picture of him with a message!" I continue, pulling it out of my pocket and carefully checking it for any signs of damage.

"Wow, good job! I figured something amazing happened, because you're very bouncy and energetic, which is a rare sighting, especially for someone who just got off a plane. By the way, how was the plane ride?" my dad asks, still chuckling.

"It was AMAZING! I got to sit next to Taeyong!" I answer, then lean back in my seat, suddenly feeling very tired and drained.

"Well, you should rest for a while. I'll let you know when we get to the house - it's quite a drive," my dad suggests just as we get to the highway.

"Alright," I agree. As I stare out the windshield at Seoul, I feel my eyelids drooping. Soon, I fall into a peaceful slumber.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to my dad shaking my shoulder. Rubbing my eyes, I glance at the apartment building in front of me. It looks really nice!

"Let's go see your mother!" my dad suggests, opening his door and stepping out. I follow him to the trunk, looking around. I think I might actually enjoy this place.

A few minutes later, I'm being embraced by my mother in what must be our living room. She's already asked me about my flight and heard my whole story about Taeyong. She reacted a little less enthusiastically, with "Oh no, not that dude again", but I'm too happy to care.

Soon, my parents show me my new room, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The bed looks really comfy, the desk already has some of my stuff on it, and I even have a couch in my room next to the door to the bathroom.

But the best part is the huge shelf that takes up one whole wall of my room. There are some books that my parents probably expect me to read, but I'm much more interested in the huge, unoccupied spaces on them. Perfect for all of my Kpop albums.

"We didn't decorate it or anything, and since you like the walls white, we left them like that," my dad explains, gesturing to the empty white walls. I already know that they're going to be filled with all of my Kpop posters within a few days.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim, hugging both of my parents. The bathroom and closet are just as nice, both with a lot of my stuff from New York in them. They must have put a lot of work into this room.

"You're welcome," they say at the same time, and then leave so that I can have some alone time to look around my room and unpack my stuff.


Thanks for reading!

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