Chapter 19

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Chaemin's POV

"Everyone, get in line! Please get your tickets ready!" The voices of several security guards ring in my ears as I shuffle into line behind other fans.

A few days ago, I bought a ticket to an NCT concert. Yes, I actually did it, and I even informed Eunhae about it, who got so jealous she almost broke her phone. Just kidding, she was extremely happy for me. What a good friend.

And this morning, I put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie - an outfit similar to the one I wore on the airplane. Why? I'm not sure, either.

Plus, Taeyong probably isn't going to remember me or notice me - it's not like there's even a chance he'll be able to find me in the sea of fans already at the building entrance.

Finally, the doors open, and everyone pours in through the doors, running around to locate their seats. I go with the flow and soon spot my seat. Unfortunately, the last few tickets that were left were pretty much all in the back row, so that's where I'll be sitting.

Taking my NCT lightstick out of my bag, I grab a piece of paper on my seat. Huh, funny. It doesn't look like any seats near me have a piece of paper on them.

After I sit down and get comfortable, I wait for the concert to start. I've never experienced something as fun as this, and I'm pretty glad I came today, even if it cost a lot of money. And the concert hasn't even started yet.

Suddenly, I remember the piece of paper that I found on my seat. Taking it out of my bag, I do my best to read it in the dim light. And when I do figure out what is says, I gasp in surprise.

The paper reads, "Congratulations, NCTzen! You are one of the lucky fans who have been selected to meet the members of NCT after the concert, in a smaller room. Please bring this paper, along with your ticket so we can confirm you are the correct fan." It also has a location on it, along with my seat number.

I can't believe my luck. Sitting next to Taeyong and getting to meet the rest of the NCT members? This just might make up for all of the unluckiness I've experienced in the past.

Just then, I hear all of the fans screaming, as the lights go dark. Hurriedly putting the paper back in my bag, I look up to see what all of the commotion is about.

"To the world, we are NCT!"

Turns out that the concert is starting! I rush to grab my lightstick. Glancing at the group of members, I immediately see Taeyong, standing at the front and leading them all.

For some reason, I'm attracted to him. I can always spot him, no matter where he is, even if he's in the back. Maybe just because he's my ult. Yeah, that must be the reason. Uh-huh.

~Time Skip~

"To the world, we are NCT! Thank you!"

The concert is ending now. I feel like crying. The feeling that I experienced today is one-of-a-kind, and I have never felt it before. I want to stay in this concert forever, with fellow NCTzens cheering the boys on alongside myself.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. I watch the members file off the stage, all following Taeyong.

When I calm down from all of the hype, I remember that special piece of paper. Fishing it out of my bag, I re-read it to make sure that this opportunity really is mine. And it is!

I file out behind others in my row. When I reach the exit, I read the directions on the paper and turn right. Showing the security guards the piece of paper, I am permitted to continue down the hallway.

I see a sign on a door, with a pile of fans outside it, all with pieces of paper in their hands identical to mine. This must be the place!

"Please be patient, your idols will be ready soon!" says the man who picked Taeyong up from the airport. I glance around, suddenly nervous to meet everyone.

The first group of fans is let in. I'm in the last group, since it took me a while to get here, due to my seat. One by one, the groups file in and come out, chattering excitedly, smiles plastered all over their faces.

And then it's time for my group to enter the room, the last group. I clutch my album in my hands, following the other fans in my group into the room.

I see all of the members, sitting at a long table, already starting to chat with fans and sign their albums.

I look down the table, looking for one specific person.

And then I see him.


I'll probably never know what it feels like to go to a concert, but I tried my best to describe it, anyways. 😅

Also, thank you guys so much for 100 reads on this book! <3

Thank you for reading!

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