Chapter 50

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(thank you to the reader who suggested a coffee date with Johnny as a third wheel)

Chaemin's POV

What is Haechan even doing? Does he think that I don't notice him smirking every five seconds? I'll just ignore it, and hopefully he'll stop. It's babysitting 101, right?

"Do you wanna just go get coffee or something?" Taeyong suggests after a few seconds.

"Sure, why not?" I respond, just going with whatever he says.

"Johnny hyung!" Taeyong calls.

"I've been summoned," Johnny announces, standing in the doorway.

"We have nothing to do here. Can you take us to go get coffee?" Taeyong asks.

"Sure, but on one condition," Johnny says.

"What?" I ask. Of course, Johnny would want some kind of benefit to come out of him driving us places.

"I mean, I want coffee too..." he hints.

"That's right, you never pass up an opportunity for free coffee," I laugh.

"Wait, you can't do that," Taeyong gasps in realization.

"Alright then, have fun going to the shop down the street," Johnny shrugs, pivoting around to leave.

"No no no, you can come, you can come," Taeyong sighs.

"Alright, let's go!" Johnny exclaims, already heading to the door. I sigh at his childish behavior, but am secretly glad that he didn't try to go get his chauffeur costume.

"Just for your information, the coffee place down the street is terrible," Taeyong informs me as we follow Johnny out the door. I see.

After a few minutes and some conversing, Johnny finally parks the car by the side of the street. I get out and continue my conversation with Taeyong while Johnny locks the car and trails behind us, because the sidewalk is too narrow for all three of us.

The familiar scent of fresh brewed coffee hits me as soon as the door opens. Ah, coffee shops. The best smelling places in the world. Disagreements not accepted. It's been a while since I've had this stuff.

"What do you want, Chaemin?" Taeyong asks, and then with a reluctant sigh, adds, "And you, Johnny?"

He places the orders, and then we pick a random booth, since this shop is mostly empty at this time of day. Taeyong motions for me to sit next to him as Johnny takes a seat across from us.

"So, how was your museum date?" Johnny asks, attempting to start a conversation.

"It was really fun, actually, I learned a lot," I respond, even though Taeyong and I pretty much already went over the whole experience.

"Cool, cool," Johnny nods slowly.

"Taeyong, remember when we first met and you wouldn't even talk to me?" I laugh, referring to the meeting from only a few days ago.

"To be fair, I didn't want to expose myself to a random stalker who was going to take pictures of me the whole time," Taeyong defends himself.

"Did you just call me a random stalker?" I gasp, pretending to be offended. "I'm disappointed in you."

"Wait wait wait, I worded that wrong! I meant in case you were a random stalker!" he apologizes in a panic. Cute.

"I was just joking, don't worry," I laugh.

Our drinks soon arrive, brought to us by a random server. "Here's a cup of coffee for you, sir, and for you," he says, placing two cups on the table in front of Taeyong and Johnny.

"And for you, too, beautiful," he adds, carefully placing my drink in front of me.

"You may leave now," Taeyong dismisses the server curtly when he hangs around for a few seconds too long. He scurries off, scared by Taeyong's cold tone.

"Jealous much?" Johnny comments, finally able to fit in to our conversation. I almost choke on my coffee while Taeyong glares at his hyung. If looks could kill, Johnny would actually be dead by now.

"Gee, I'm sorry," Johnny mutters, turning back to his coffee. I stifle my laughter and stare down at the white swirls in my cup, the steam warming my face up, as if it wasn't warm enough already.

Why does being with Taeyong make me feel like this?




Thanks for reading!


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