Chapter 46

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Chaemin's POV


I jolt awake, covering my ears while blindly reaching for my alarm to shut it off. Me forgetting to turn my ringer down paired with Mark's enthusiastic voice on loop? A very loud start to my day.

"Time to execute my plan," I mumble to myself, rolling out of bed and onto the floor. I immediately wish I was back under my warm covers, but this has to be done.

I play my morning playlist while showering and getting dressed for the day, running through my plan of action.

Yawning, I exit my room to find my mom already awake. I've never been much of a morning person, and the fact that it's 5 in the morning doesn't help, either.

"Good morning, Chaemin!" she greets me cheerfully, her back turned to me as she fries eggs us eggs for breakfast. Morning people things.

Yesterday, I told her all about how Eunhae was going insane and asked her for a ride. To my surprise, she actually agreed. This is why I love my mom.

"Bad morning, mom," I mumble in response, taking a sip of water and rubbing my eyes.

"So, what's your plan of action again?" she questions, her eyes twinkling as she sets my breakfast down in front of me along with a pair of chopsticks.

"Convince Eunhae that I booked us first class seats next to a famous Kpop idol, hope she falls for it, and then leave her on the plane," I reply.

"Um, okay, then. Are you sure that's going to work?" she asks a little doubtfully.

"I don't know, I didn't have a lot of time to think anything up. If she doesn't fall for it, I'll just have to improvise," I shrug.

~Time Skip~

"Chaemin!" Eunhae squeals, running over to me. For a second, I see the girl who used to be my best friend, before she turns back into the crazy psychopath I've come to know.

I tuck my passport and flight ticket away into my backpack. I had to book myself a random flight to some random country so I could get past the check in, but I'll just cancel it and get a refund once my plan works out. Genius, I know. I'm an intellectual.

"Hey, Eunhae! Aren't you excited to meet your favorite idol?" I ask, faking excitement, when in reality all I want to do is throw her into jail and go back to sleep.

"I know, right? Where is this meetup at?" she asks, looking for something in her purse.

"It's actually on an airplane!" I respond, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"An airplane? Where does the flight go to?" she asks, a hint of doubt evident in her voice. I gulp, racking my brain for a random excuse.

"Oh, it just goes somewhere else in Korea. I even booked us a flight back so we won't be stuck there!" are the words that come out of my mouth.

Fortunately, Eunhae seems to believe me, or she's just to preoccupied with applying lipstick while staring at her reflection in a pocket mirror.

"We're going to be late, Chaemin, let's go!" she tells me, the bossy voice replacing any trace of cheerfulness. She probably thinks it's immature or something.

"Alright, alright, just let me make sure that we're heading to the right gate," I quickly say, making an excuse as I pull out my phone.

Instead, I tap on the texting app and then the group chat titled "NCT + Chaemin". This was made yesterday, because apparently Taeyong got sus of everyone and thought they were leaving him out of a group chat, so they had to make a new one including him.

so far so good
we're heading to the gate rn

I doubt that they're awake, but I'm going to update them on everything anyways. Then I tuck my phone away and focus my attention on the plan.

"Let's go, Eunhae, I know which gate the flight is at now!" I tell her.

Together, we go to the boarding gate. It's almost six, and I hope that we're not going to be late. Time management isn't exactly my strong suit.

"Flight 49 is now boarding at gate 78!" someone announces over the loudspeaker. I gulp. All of my hard work these past few days depends on this moment.

"Eunhae, can you give me a second? I think that I left my charger by those seats," I lie, pointing to a row of seats a few feet away. "Here's your ticket."

"I'll board the flight first!" she volunteers, grabbing the ticket and already running towards the doorway. Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. She probably wants some alone time with her "favorite idol" without my interference.

Or, in reality, the random people she's going to be sitting with in the economy class. Yeah, I'm not going to spend all of my money getting her a first class seat.

Plus, we're already really late, so hopefully, the plane will be locked and maybe even in the air before she realizes that she's flying right into the hands of her parents back in New York.

Maybe she'll think that I made a mistake and her "favorite idol" decided to go cheap or something, since it isn't an international flight, anyways.

"Flight 49 will take off in 5 minutes!" another announcement declares. I cross my fingers, my eyes trained on the door as I hope with all of my heart Eunhae won't come running out of it.

The seconds seem to be dragged out. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spot movement. The plane is moving. I repeat, THE PLANE IS MOVING!

I run to a window, watching in triumphant glee as the plane moves faster and faster on the runway and then lifts off into the air.

I whip out my phone and announce the news in the NCT + Chaemin chat.


I can't believe that girl is finally gone. For good.

~Just a joke~

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. My heart drops as I turn around, recognizing the familiar face plastered with makeup.

Eunhae. She didn't fall for it.

That was just a joke. Don't worry, Eunhae is gone for good

That last paragraph meant nothing lol I'm sorry


Please accept my gift, the Double Update, because I couldn't wait until tomorrow to get rid of Eunhae. You don't know how much fun I had writing this chapter. I hate that fictional girl with a burning passion.

Also I kept on using "favorite idol" since I didn't want to throw any actual idol under the bus

Happy 20k reads! I don't know how this happened in the 1 hour since I published the last chapter, but TYSM 💚

If you sat through my tediously long A/N, you are truly a brave warrior with patience out of this world.

Thanks for reading!

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