Chapter 4

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Taeyong's POV

After I get down the long tunnel, I head to my seat. There's already a girl in the seat across from me. I pull my mask up and pull my cap down a little.

"Hi," she says when I sit down. I just glance in her direction and nod. I hope I don't seem rude, but our managers don't like us to talk with other passengers, which is why they usually put us together, but this time it's just me.

After a few minutes, the safety video starts playing. I smile a little when I see it. I remember filming this - it was pretty fun. I never get tired of watching this safety video.

After the safety video, the plane takes off. I've gotten used to the bumpy runway, and the tilt of the plane when it takes off.

Bored, I glance at the girl next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her gripping the armrest like her life depends on it.

I put my AirPods in and start listening to some random music. WayV's "Take Off" is the first song that comes on - pretty funny.

After about an hour, I hear the girl ask me if it's my first time on an airplane. If only she knew how many times I've been on an airplane. I doubt that I know myself.

I take out my AirPod, shake my head, and then put it back in my ear. She looks kind of confused, and I can't blame her, but I can't get friendly with her, either. Being an idol can be hard.

After a while, the flight attendant starts coming with snacks and stuff. I just get a cup of water and a pack of crackers that I'm probably not going to eat.

I look over at the girl next to me, who got some juice and cookies. As I'm turning back to my food, I see the screen of her phone - and it's got the NCT 2020 playlist playing on it. Uh oh.

I start debating whether or not I should take off my mask and drink my water or not. Of all the people on this plane, my seat is next to that of an NCTzen. I hope she's not a crazy fan.

It's not that I don't like sitting next to our Czennies, it's just that I've had a not so great experience in the past.


I get on the plane and sit in my seat, like normal. Doyoung sits next to me, and we get ready to take off.

But then a flight attendant comes over, and says something to Doyoung. He looks confused, and then comes over and tells me the flight attendant told him that the seat was unavailable and she would direct him to another seat.

Our managers came over, and the flight attendant said some random stuff, and somehow Doyoung left. I wasn't really that concerned - until the flight attendant sat in Doyoung's seat.

"Hi, Taeyong," she says in a high pitched voice. My ears hurt, and so does my head. I try to ignore her.

"Can I have your autograph?" she asks, handing me a piece of paper and a pen. I sign it, hoping she'll leave afterwards.

But she doesn't leave. She keeps on coming back, asking me what I'm listening to, staying in DOYOUNG'S seat for long periods of time, and constantly bothering me.

I take out my phone and text my managers, telling them that the flight attendant is bothering me.

When I'm about to put my phone away, she asks in that annoying high pitched voice, "Can I have your number?"

I politely tell her that I can't give my number out to fans, unfortunately.

Her eyes darken, and I start to get scared. "Is this how you treat your fans?"

I try to explain to her that I'd like to be left alone, but she won't stop coming back. Finally, my managers show up, with another flight attendant. They finally get her to leave, and she doesn't come back for the rest of the flight.

As we're getting off the plane, I see her again. She points her finger at me with her long nail, and says, "I'm not going to forget you, Lee Taeyong."

Flashback Ends

I shudder as I remember that day. This is why I've been riding with another member for every single plane ride. It's also why I never talk to any of the other passengers, except for waving and smiling a little at the ones who know who I am.

And, since I'm riding alone this time, I've made sure that my face is completely hidden, and there's little to no way to identify me. I've even dressed normally - hoodie and jeans.

After a moment, I decide to take my chances, and if she does recognize me, I hope she's not a crazy fan. I don't need another traumatizing experience.

As soon as I take off my mask, I see her gasp out of the corner of my eye.

I screwed up.


Another double update! This story is going a little better than my last one, I think. IDK

Thank you for reading!

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