Chapter 18

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Taeyong's POV

"And Taeyong hyung is getting his hair done," I hear Mark say. He's probably shooting a "behind" video for the channel.

Turning around, trying not to move my head to quickly, I glance at the camera and wave, before allowing the stylist to finish my hair.

We've been preparing hard for this concert this past week. I hope it goes well.

"We're on in just a few minutes, everyone!" I announce, glancing at everyone around the room. Some people are joking around with others, some are on their phones, and still others are doing whatever else there is to do.

While waiting for our managers to take us to the stage, I find myself thinking about Chaemin. Again.

This week, I've successfully pushed her out of my mind to focus on my job. But now that the concert has come, I find myself thinking about her again.

Will she be here? Naw, probably not. Yeah, she's probably off working in some kind fo coffee shop or something. I kinda wish she were at the concert, though...

Wait, Taeyong, what are you thinking? She's just a lucky fan who happened to sit next to you on a flight. Yes, just an unusually polite and respectful fan. And you are an idol who does not play favorites. You have a concert to attend.

After giving myself that little talk, I gather all of the members, as I do before every concert.

"Good luck, guys! Let's do well! NCT Fighting!" I exclaim, and we all cheer and get ourselves hyped up and excited for the concert, shaking away the nervousness.

Just then, our manager comes into the dressing room. "Guys, come on!" he says, beckoning for us to follow him. I let all of the other members follow him first, and bring up the rear, per usual.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" Kun says as we pace back and forth near the steps leading up to the stage.

"Go get it, guys!" our manager says, lightly pushing us all towards the steps. I take the lead, carefully stepping up the wooden steps up onto the huge stage with the rest of the members following my lead.

I stand in the center, as the members pile in behind me, preparing to do our introduction. In front of us, a sea of fans scream in excitement, wildly waving their fansticks around in the air.

"To the world, we are NCT!"

And just like that, the show has started.

~Time Skip~

We've finally finished performing. Overall, I think we did really well today! Everyone was in the mood, and the energy today felt really nice.

"Nice job, everyone!" I congratulate the rest of the members as we pile back in to the dressing room. I'm tired, but at the same time, really happy. This job is so fun and rewarding.

I step into a room to change out of my stage outfit, and come back out in my normal clothes. I see that most of the other members are doing the same thing.

It looks like some of the members are recording again. I wave towards Doyoung's camera, have a short conversation with him, and then join Johnny on one of the many couches in the main dressing area, taking a sip of water.

"Hey, you know we're doing something special for some fans today?" he asks, screwing the cap back onto his water bottle.

"Oh, we are?" I ask, surprised.

"Guys!" One of our managers appears in the doorway. Immediately, all attention is directed towards him.

"We have selected some lucky fans to have some special time with you guys, and get their albums signed and that kind of stuff. It'll only take about half an hour, let's go," he announces. Ah, so this is the thing that Johnny was talking about.

Without questioning anything, we all get up and file into different room, where there's a super long table with somewhere around 23 tables behind it, and also some tape on the floor, probably to help guide the fans.

I take a seat at a chair with my name on it, pulling the chair in a little. Soon, everyone is seated in their seats, waiting for the fans to be let in.

Just then, the fans are all let in, in a straight line. Time goes by pretty quickly. I  really enjoy this kind of stuff, sighing albums and talking to fans. It's all about the interaction, you know?

Soon, it's about time for the last of the fans to come in. Most of them have already made their way down the table and then left the room, all in high spirits.

I glance towards the doorway, seeing the last group of fans walk in. One of them looks slightly familiar, for some reason.

Wait, is that Chaemin?


Again, pretty inaccurate representation of what goes on before and after a concert, but I tried my best. :)

Thank you for reading!

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