Chapter 47

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Taeyong's POV

Ping! Ping! Ping!

I wake up to the bothersome sound of my phone. After sitting up and finding my phone, I see that it's only 6 in the morning. Who has the audacity to wake me up this early?

Oh. Chaemin's plan went into action this morning. I can only hope that the execution was okay. It's probably the group chat that I made Johnny make yesterday.

Without wasting any time, I unlock my phone, eager to know how the plan went. If it failed... then I'm gonna be really upset.

I scroll up in search of the first message, which looks like it was sent half an hour ago.

so far so good
we're heading to the gate right now

Then I scroll down and get bombarded by a chain of gibberish that has to do with the success of the plan.


I jump up and almost run to wake up everyone else, but then look back at my phone and realize that they're already awake. The commitment!


you did it!

The rest of the messages say the same thing, and I can even confirm that each and every single one of the members has sent a celebratory message.

Knowing the Dreamies, I'm going to bet that they're jumping all over their dorm at the moment, screaming and definitely not waking up the neighbors.

I quickly fire my own message to congratulate her.

nice job!

I'm about to ask  her for the details, but then remember that we're going to a museum today. She can tell me everything then. For now, I'll just go back to bed.

~Time Skip~

"Taeyong hyung!"

This time, it's the voice of Haechan that wakes me up from my peaceful slumber after only three hours. This has been happening way too much recently. I need to change my alarm.

"Whaaaat?" I drag out, glaring at his silhouette in the door frame.

"Chaemin's plan worked! That psychopathic Eunhae girl is gone for good!" he cheers, as if I didn't know that already.

"I knew that already. Didn't you see the message I sent?" I mutter in annoyance.

"Oh, whoops, there were a lot of those. Pretend I was never here," he apologizes sheepishly, before shutting my door and running off.

I might as well wake up already, since we have practice today.

I guess the highlight of the day is going to be my date with Chaemin. I mean, hanging out with Chaemin at the museum. Right.

~Time Skip~

"Wait, that's so cool!" Chaemin exclaims as the tour guide finishes his speech about Korean currency. (A/N: Don't kill me I don't know Korean history)

I smile at her. This whole tour has basically been Chaemin actually listening to the tour guide as he explains each exhibit and me watching her reactions.

In my opinion, it's much more interesting than having to listen to this man drone on and on about the dynasties, how we gained independence, yada yada yada. I learned half of this stuff in school a few years ago, even if most of it has been forgotten.

Chaemin's reactions are actually quite amusing; When we learn about a war, she stands up straight like she's in the army, when we see swords her lips move as she read sthe descriptions, and when she finds something interesting to look at her face lights up.

It's the little things that she does that makes this experience more enjoyable. I'm glad I'm here with her and I don't have to worry about Jisung breaking a precious artifact.

"Was that interesting?" I ask at the end of the tour.

"Yeah! I'm officially an educated woman!" she replies, taking one last look around the museum in wonder. Then she looks back at me and catches me observing her.

"So... what are we doing now?" she asks awkwardly.

"Oh, um, let's go eat something," I suggest, turning around to hide my heated face.


Happy 21k! 🥳 Love you all 💚

For those of you who got confused last chapter, Eunhae is gone for good. Sorry about the confusion (and thank you to the person who suggested I add a separator and clarify <3)

Thanks for reading!

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