Chapter 37

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Chaemin's POV

After my conversation with Taeyong, which occupied a lot of time, I decide to just shower and go to bed.

As I lay there in the dark, staring up at my ceiling, I think about how much that short conversation revealed about my ultimate bias.

First of all, he's really sweet. Like, he actually let me rant about my best friend being dumb. And he took time out of what should have been his sleeping time to talk to me, which is appreciated.

He's also incredibly dorky and chaotic. I guess he's somewhat calm in comparison to the other members, but that's not saying a lot.

It's surprising how normal idols really are behind the scenes. Yes, they're incredibly talented, but they are also human beings with unique personalities.

Judging from all that I've learned about him so far, there's also a lot more I haven't seen yet. And I can barely wait to spend more time with him and the others.

I fall asleep thinking about him.

~Time Skip~

After I have get ready and have breakfast the next morning, I hear the doorbell ring. Weird, I don't think anyone was supposed to come.

"Can you get the door, Mom?" I call over the sound of my music. I actually woke up today, so I'm currently in the middle of having my morning music-and-chill time, which consists of me blasting music in my room and vibing to it.

Soon enough, I hear my mom answering the door. It probably has nothing to do with me, anyways. I continue to vibe to my music.

"Chaemin." I glance up in surprise at the cold voice. There, standing right outside my bedroom door, is Eunhae. How the heck did she get here?

"Um, hey, Eunhae," I greet her, shutting off my music. "You could've knocked, by the way," I add, irked by her rudeness.

"So I can't walk just into your room anymore? Wow, I thought we were bffs," she sighs, shaking her head as she steps into my room. Oh no, not this again.

"So, why are you here? And also how did you get my address?" I ask, a little creeped out.

"I came here to ask you a question. Oh, and your parents told me," she responds, flipping her hair back. A wave of perfume hits me and I cough, pinching my nose.

"Ask your question and get out," I choke out, waving my hand in front of my face. How much of that did she put on?

"When are you going to visit NCT again?" she demands straightforwardly.

"Is it any of your business?" I question uneasily.

"Of course it is, I'm your best friend," she exclaims, pretending to be hurt. Does she actually think that she's right and I'm the one acting off?

"I'm starting to question if we should be friends in the first place," I fire back, appalled by her change in behavior. Something really is off.

"You really have changed, Chaemin," she tsks, plopping down on my bed forcefully. A crack is heard as she lands on my mattress.

"Did you just break my bed?" I ask, shocked.

"Of course not, your bed is just bad quality," she responds, waving it off.

"What do you mean, I've changed? You're the one who's acting off," I add, walking over to my bed to inspect the damage done.

"I don't know, you're just being... annoying, Chae," she shrugs. I cringe as she addresses me by my nickname. It sounds weird coming out of her mouth now.

"Eunhae, if you're just going to come and waste my time, I suggest that you leave my house right now," I tell her calmly, pointing to my door.

"You still haven't answered my question," she says unreasonably, laying back. I hope she isn't planning to stay in my bed for long. I'll have to wash my sheets today.

"I did answer it, I said that it was none of your business," I remind her, my patience slowly draining.

"Seems like you're in a bad mood today," Eunhae grumbles, finally getting off my bed. "I have better places to be."

"Good, because I have better things to do, too," I respond, ignoring the little sliver of guilt inside of me. I quickly recall Taeyong's words from last night.

"If you're going to try and use me to get to NCT, you deserve to go rot in a hole," I tell her quietly, quoting his life advice.

"Excuse me?" Eunhae gasps.

"I said, if you're going to use me to get to your favorite idols, you should go Rot. In. A. Hole!" I repeat louder, punctuating my words.

"I hate you," she announces, looking disappointed. Her words hit a place in my heart. I can't remember the last time Eunhae has ever said that to anyone.

"Eunhae, what happened to you? You dress differently, act differently, talk differently... What has happened to my best friend? You're... toxic," I whisper in disbelief.

"The question is, what has happened to you?" she snorts, aggressively pulling on a pair of... Heels? Wow, this a whole different level of strange.

"Bye, Chaemin. I hope you think about the way you treat your best friend," she growls, slamming my door shut, making the whole apartment shake.

I just stand there, my mouth wide open in shock and terror.

That was intense.


Happy 7K reads (somehow in less than a day since 6K)!!! Tysm!!! 💚💚💚💚

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