Chapter 72

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Taeyong's POV

Whoa, Chaemin just completely popped off. That has got to be one of the best speeches I've ever heard in my life, although I probably am biased.

And, considering that the other candidates were speeches from people like the school principal about eDUcAtIOn aND ImPRoVeMEnT, this one is much better.

"That. That was a wonderful speech," Kun compliments Chaemin as we cram into the bus that we're taking back to the dorms.

"Thanks, those people really triggered me," she laughs, taking a seat next to me.

"Wait a minute, I want to sit next to the amazingly influential speaker!" Yuta protests. I can't tell if he's joking or not, but I don't really care.

"Sorry, I claimed her a long time ago. My girlfriend, not yours," I apologize very insincerely, wrapping my arms around Chaemin's waist.

"Yeah, I think that I'll stay here for this ride. Maybe next time," she agrees. Thankfully, she seems to be done with all of the teasing and bullying me.

"Protective much?" Johnny hyung laughs. I glare at him, finally releasing Chaemin so I can pull on my seatbelt.

~Time Skip~

"Hyung! Hyung hyung hyung!" the shouts of Haechan awake me from my sleep the next morning. I swear, I need to find a new alarm clock.

"What?" I groan, sitting up and rubbing my eyes like I do every morning, then trying to blink the sleepiness away.

"Chaemin's all over the internet!" he exclaims, wildly waving his phone in the air. Considering that I probably won't be able to read from that, I grab my own phone to see if it's true.

Just as Chaemin predicted, and as Haechan informed me, the clip of her little rant from yesterday has pretty much gone viral.

"Is this good?" I ask, my brain not yet functioning properly.

"I mean, I guess it's okay, right?" Haechan shrugs.

"Well, Chaemin's probably completely fine with it, so I think everything is going to be okay. Now can you leave so I can get some quality sleep for once?" I ask.

"So you're just gonna go back to sleep?" he asks incredulously, obviously already all excited over the matter.

"Yeah? It's not like nobody knows that we're together. The only new thing out there is her face and her bravery, all of which nobody should have anything against," I mumble.

"Whoa, so chill. You must trust her a lot," the younger gawks, still in disbelief. He also doesn't make a move to leave my room.

"Listen, if you don't leave within two seconds, I'm gonna-"

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving!" he says, scrambling out of the room in a panic. Thank goodness he's finally gone.

Unfortunately, just as I'm about to fall asleep again, my phone buzzes. If Haechan is text- Oh look, it's Chaemin.

Not even upset about my lack of sleep anymore, I sit up in bed and unlock my phone.

Chae ❤️
aye they did exactly what I wanted
neomu happy

i knew it

Chae ❤️
knew what?

knew that you wouldn't be bothered by it

Chae ❤️
actually, i'm jumping up and down in happiness
i'm so inspiring and influential :')

okay okay yes u are

Chae ❤️
jk jk
anyways im wheezing over comments again

sounds about right

Chae ❤️
yes yes yes
this fandom is amazing

facts i love them

Chae ❤️
"she hit the TED talk" LMAO

why yes she did

Chae ❤️
anyways how are u

sleep deprived and annoyed at Haechan
but not anymore
cuz u made me happyyy

Chae ❤️
kinda cringe but ok


Chae ❤️


Chae ❤️
i encourage u to look through comments

maybe i will

Chae ❤️
good for your mental health
and for that of anyone who wants to try it

perhaps i will show the members some of them
hopefully it will calm them down

Chae ❤️
i never said they calmed someone down


Chae ❤️
ok bye
these comments are more entertaining than u


Chae ❤️



Anddd there we go, probably the last bit of drama :')

Thanks for reading!

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