Chapter 23

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Chaemin's POV

After I calm down, I start feeling tired again. I hate jet-lag.

I lay down on my bed again. As I close my eyes, I reminisce about the exhilaration of waving my lightstick in the air, chanting along with the other fans, with NCT performing on the stage right in front of my eyes. Wild.

Then I slip into a peaceful slumber.

~Time Skip~

Sunlight filters through the window, hitting my face as I throw my blanket over my head to block it out.

Wait, sunlight?

I toss my blanket off and blindly pat my bedside drawer for my phone to check the time.

7:30 in the morning? How did I manage to sleep that long? I was asleep for, like, 15 hours! That might be the longest I've ever slept in my entire life!

"Good morning, Chaemin," I hear a voice behind me say. I whirl around and see my mom, sipping on a cup of morning tea.

"G-good morning, Mom," I greet her. "You scared me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. How was your hibernation?" she asks, her eyes twinkling.

"Um, it was very nice," I answer, bewildered as to how I managed to sleep for so long. Must have been all of the excitement and stress from yesterday.

"Well, you should come eat something. You missed dinner last night. I bought some stuff from the bakery on the street," she invites, and then pivots around and heads towards the kitchen.

I take a quick shower and freshen up, and then throw on a sweater and leggings because I don't plan on leaving this apartment today.

Exiting my room, I see that my mom has bought a pretty big breakfast for me. She's now pulling on her shoes near the door.

"Thanks, Mom," I grin, sitting down to devour the meal.

"No problem. I'm going to work now, Chaemin. Your father left already. If you get bored, you can watch TV or something," she smiles before closing the door behind her.

Yay, I love being home alone. Not really.

Famished, I take a big bite of a donut. Mm, this bakery makes good stuff.

After doing the dishes, I grab my phone and take a seat on the living room couch. I'm bored already. What is there to do?

I could watch TV...

Just as I'm thinking about what to watch, my phone pings with a notification. Completely forgetting that it could possibly be Taeyong, I pick it up and look at the message.

And then I get surprised all over again.

what are u doing?

I quickly compose myself and text something random back.

nothing, im home alone and very bored
how about u?

i just woke up
we have nothing to do today
post-concert break

o cool
have u eaten yet?

nope SOME ppl ate most of the food
im probably just gonna go buy something

o ok
um i had fun at the concert by the way

glad u had fun :)
hm where should i go for food

hm idk
my mom bought me stuff from a bakery
it was pretty good :)

whats it called?

idk some shop on my street

I quickly jump up and peek out a window and spot the shop that my mom was probably talking about, and then text it to Taeyong.

o thats one of my favorite bakeries!
they make good donuts

yea their donuts are amazing

Now I'm just agreeing to everything he says.

I glance out the window again, wondering if Taeyong and the others live close by. Not that I'm a sasaeng or anything, I'm just curious.

I turn back to my phone and to see if he said anything else.

And when I see, I have to look a second time to make sure I read it right.

so um do u wanna come to the bakery with me
cuz im bored and lonely

Wait, Taeyong wants to meet me again?

Well, this ain't an offer I'm going to turn down.

Before I can actually think correctly, I type back as fast as I can.


i have to get food for everyone else :/
cuz they dont eat anything

okay! how close r u

like 10 minutes away

okay see u soon!

see u! :)

I cover my face. What did I just agree to? I'm probably just going to embarrass myself or something.

When reality finally hits me, I throw my phone down on the couch and then start jumping around in excitement before realizing that there are people living under our apartment.

"I'm going to go meet Taeyong! I'M GOING TO GO MEET TAEYONG!" I chant to myself under my breath, nervousness running through me as I skip towards my room to change.

Well, I guess that I am going to be leaving the house today.


Honestly idk what I'm doing anymore with this story

Thank you for reading!

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