Chapter 75

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Chaemin's POV

You know, times like these are the times that make me the happiest. Being around the people you love and doing the things you love? The struggle was all worth it in the end.

I will admit that life is missing a little bit of big drama, but I guess that's a good thing, even though drama is always welcomed by me. And I can get a lot of that from these crackheads around me, am I right?

Hah, I remember when I used to be that kid who hated drama and had no friends, and now here I am. Yeah, I can confirm that meeting NCT does weird things to a person. 

Not bad things, just... interesting things.

I don't regret ay of it, though. I love life as it is now.

"Come on, Chae," Taeyong calls from the door of his room. I look around and realize that almost everyone has gone off to do their own thing or is just sitting around on their phones.

"Wait, I'm talking to Winwin!" I respond without really thinking. Then I realize that Winwin is nowhere in the room and is probably off being fought over by the other members.

"No you're not, you're standing there completely spaced out in the middle of the living room," my boyfriend laughs, shutting his door and walking down the hallway towards me.

"Well, I guess you're right," I agree as he starts dragging me down the hallway. I stumble along, catching the gazes of a few others. Dang, these people need to go find themselves girls instead of third wheeling us all day.

"Wait, remember when I tried to say hi to you and you just completely ignored me?" I ask, suddenly thinking about our first encounter.

"We've already talked about this in that coffee shop! I was scared that you'd be some kind of obsessed creep, okay?" he defends himself.

"Oh my goodness, you still remember that?" I ask in surprise.

"Of course, I remember everything that we went through together," he replies with a proud smile.

"Aww, that's adorable!" I coo. I knew that he was dedicated, but this is such a great level of dedication.

"Yeah, I also remember Johnny hyung sitting there and smirking the whole time because neither of us could drive," Taeyong adds.

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, all of NCT played such a huge part in all of this," I realize, tumbling onto his bed as the familiar feeling of warmth and comfort envelopes me.

"I know, right? I'm glad I was the one that met you first, or else bad things might have happened," he agrees, laying down next to me.

"Naw, I think we're soulmates," I disagree.

"Yeah, well, probably so," he laughs.

"Anyways, ever since my mom met you, she hasn't stopped talking about what a nice person you are. I'm getting a little tired of it," I tell him, jumping to another new topic.

"Really? Well, actually, I'm a little hurt," he pouts.

"I'm just kidding, I would never get tired of you," I quickly correct myself.

"Thanks, I feel a lot better now," he smiles, brightening up immediately. Aww.

"That's right, you're the kind of boyfriend who my parents love more than me, my dad included," I point out.

"Glad that everyone loves me, but I disagree. I think that would be you. Literally, look at you!" Taeyong responds, making me blush.

"I love you."

"Love you too."


Aaand last chapter, now to the epilogues 😭

Thanks for reading!

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