Chapter 10

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Taeyong's POV

Soon, the flight lands. I make sure that I have all of my stuff, and then tell Chaemin that it was nice meeting her and that I hope to see her again. I'm not just trying to be nice - I mean it. She's one of the most respectful fans that I've ever seen - she didn't even ask for an autograph or a picture, or anything along the lines of that.

While she's turned around on her phone, probably texting her parents or something, I take out a random Polaroid photo of myself that I took of myself in front of the hotel. This one isn't that good, and I'll probably just throw it away, anyways.

I quickly grab a Sharpie from my backpack and sign the photo, along with a message thanking her for supporting us. I also write that I hope she'll enjoy Korea, and I hope to see her at a concert.

Then I unzip her backpack and drop the photo into the front pocket, before zipping it up and pretending that nothing happened. Chaemin's still on her phone. Well, now there's a surprise for her in her backpack.

You see, I reward respectful fans who don't invade my privacy, fangirl really hard, or beg for a photo or autograph. I love our fans, but I especially love the polite, respectful ones.

Then I say bye to her one last time before heading towards the door of the airplane.

When I finally get to the conveyor belt, I spot my black suitcase with my tag on it. Grabbing it, I pull it off the belt.

As I'm about to head towards the passport area, I see Chaemin again, struggling to pull her suitcase off the belt. She lets go of it, and it continues down the belt towards me.

When it gets to me, I let go of my suitcase and pull hers off the conveyor belt. It's actually kind of heavy - no wonder she couldn't pull hers off the conveyor belt. Although, it's not as heavy as those of some other people whose suitcases I always have to help with.

Chaemin comes running over, and I hand her the suitcase. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I have a lot of albums in there," she explains, taking the suitcase from me.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that heavy," I assure her, pulling the handle of my suitcase up.

"That's what you said with the turbulence," she mutters.

"No, but like, I was telling the truth - at least, for me," I say, defending myself.

"Okay, fine. Well, thank you so much for everything," she says, smiling.

"No problem. Bye!" I answer, waving to her before turning to my own suitcase.

After about half an hour, I've finally gone through all of the airport routines that I'm so familiar with. I walk down a walkway, with all of the people who are picking others up on the other side of it. My gaze sweeps over the crowd, and I finally notice the sign that says "NCT" on it.

After I get to my manager, we immediately get out of the airport as fast as we can. Unfortunately, we're not fast enough. When we get to the parking lot, there's a whole crowd of fans standing there, all with their phones out. How did they know I was here? Beats me.

"Excuse me, please get out of the way," my manager yells over the noise. They don't budge.

"Why are there so many people here?" I hear someone mutter from behind me.

Turning around, I see Chaemin, looking lost in the sea of people, mostly fans. Her eyes meet mine for a split second. I see her sigh.

"Guys, can you please move?" my manager asks again, still trying to get through, but not succeeding. "I should've brought some other people with me," I hear him mutter.

"Where do you guys even need to go? Don't you have time to talk to us?" One fan asks in an annoyingly high-pitched voice. 

Once again, I LOVE OUR CZENNIES, but I am TIRED. I just want to go home right now. I take a deep breath and hope that we can get out of here soon.

"No, he doesn't have time to talk to you guys, because he just got off a flight! Can you all please move?" I hear my manager yell. Still, nobody budges.

I sigh. This might take a while.


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