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Y/n's POV

I sat in the stands at the field with Ava and River as we watched the girls soccer team play. Sophia was playing and I promised her I'd come. Did I mention how good she looks in her uniform? She turns me on.

"OH COME ON THATS A FOUL! FUCK YOU REF!" River yelled making people turn to stare at her but of course, she didn't care. Ava grabbed her hand pulling her back down to sit. "So, is this what you do now? Come to Sophia's games like a girlfriend?"

"Ava, I'm just being nice. Plus, I like soccer."
"So it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're trying to get over Morgan and the fact that you may actually have real feelings for someone?"

"Can you like, I don't know, shush?"
"See that's how I know I'm right. You get defensive when I'm right." Ava smiles. "It's okay to have feelings Y/n. I do." River shrugs.

"Yeah and look at you now. A whipped puppy when you used to be a badass with all the girls-"
Ava glared at me making me stop my sentence. "I'm still a badass and I am not whipped."
"And suddenly I wish Hailey was here to back me up."

"I'm not whipped!"
"Babe, it's okay to be whipped. We all know you are but I love it. But don't listen to anything Y/n says. She's butt hurt and scared of commitment." Ava pecks River on the lips making me giggle.

"I'm not scared of commitment I just like how my life is going right now. I don't need to be tied down right now and if I don't want to be in a relationship, I don't have to be. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Except for the fact that you'll probably catch an STD at the rate you're operating at." River says earning a laugh from Ava.

"I hate you both." I rolled my eyes before turning my attention back to the game luckily in time for Sophia scoring her third goal of the game. I stood up and cheered as she turned her attention to me before smiling and waving at me after celebrating with her teammates.

The game ended 5-1 and the opposers looked defeated as I headed down to the field to greet Sophia.
"Good job out there." I say as she wrapped her arms around me and her sweaty body came into contact with mine. "Thank you for coming." She smiled as I leaned down to kiss her.

I've been thinking about asking her out because, like I've said before, I need to move on from what could've happened with Alex. As her teammates began to approach us and I drifted back and forth in my thoughts I finally decided to ask her out. I pulled her off to the side, away from her girls.

"I know this is like random and all but, do you want to go on a date?"
"A real one or like our usual hook up dates?"
"A real one, I know you and I agreed that this whole thing between us, we didn't want this to get complicated or weird, but, I just, I think we should you know-"
"Yes I'll go on a date with you." Sophia cut off my ramble and I could feel my cheeks heat up as I wrapped my arms around the shorter girl.
"Okay so is Thursday night good?"
"Yeah, I'll see you then." Sophia pecked my cheek before heading off to the locker room. That was nerve wrecking. I haven't asked a girl out in a while.

. . .

Alex's POV

I sat in my bed as Allie and Megan talked amongst each other. Megan came over about an hour ago questioning me about being pregnant. Allie told her apparently which wasn't cool with me but, Megan's like my other best friend.

"So are you just going to keep the pregnancy to yourself? Quit your job? Move schools? I mean what was the plan here?"
"There was no plan, Pinoe . This wasn't even supposed to happen. I didn't try to get pregnant I just did. And now I'm freaking out because I don't know what I'm going to do because how the hell do you tell a 17 year old they're having a baby."

"Umm I don't know say "Hey, I'm pregnant congrats you fertilized my egg." And be done with it." Megan smiled making light of my situation. Allie laughed telling Pinoe that was a good idea and it irked my nerves.

"Ladies, I'm being serious. What if she doesn't want the baby? I can't do this alone. It's bad enough I fucked up things with Kelley."
"Kelley was cheating on you for way longer than you were cheating on her. She doesn't get a pass or any sympathy. Fuck Kelley." Megan says making me nod.

"Look, it takes a village to raise a child. You have a village and we'll help. Now, with that being said, Bati and I are moving here."

My eyes lit up and a smile plastered on my face as I hugged Allie. I would finally have her here permanently. With everything that's happened so far, this is what I've needed.

. . .

Y/n's POV

After Sophia's game, I had to go to the hospital to get some hours in shadowing Addie again. She had me filling out charts and questioning the patients before she came in. Terrifying at first because, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. But, Addison said I was great.

I kept thinking about the fact that I asked Sophia out on a date which means I'll actually have to pull through on that. I asked mainly because I feel like I need to turn over a new leaf and this may be good for me to move on. As much as I hate to admit it, Ava and River are somewhat right. I don't like commitment. At least in relationships. I have a bad history so, after my last relationship, I decided to not get tied down anymore.

I sat on my bed and sighed. I don't want to hurt Sophia but then again, I don't want to hurt myself. I heard my dad coming up the stairs before I called him on my room.

"What's up kiddo?" He leaned against my desk as I sat on the end of my bed. "I need some advice, I mean, maybe you aren't the right person to ask but-"
"Try me and I'll try not to act like that hurt."
I smiled before continuing.
"How do you get over someone? Someone that hurt you? Like hurt you so bad at a time when you thought things were going good and then out of nowhere they just tore your world apart."

"Uh- no. That's- no. Just someone else."
"You're a Sloan, we don't get our feelings hurt. And whoever hurt your feelings, it's their loss. Don't dwell on it, you're giving this girl who hurt you all the power. She deserves to feel like crap. Make yourself seem like you're thriving without her even if you aren't. You're a Sloan. You're special all on your own."
"I'm also a Grey."
"Yeah but, Sloan's, we're better."

My dad smiled before I followed him out my room and to the kitchen. "Okay so, one more thing. Have you ever dated anyone like older than you?"
I asked as my mom walked in with Meredith and Amelia.

"Marks the old man in all the relationships. Just look at him and your mom." Meredith laughed. I forgot about their age gap. "I'm not old."
"Tell that to the gray in your hair." Amelia pointed out. My dad gasped dramatically making us all burst into laughter.

"Our little one here may have gotten her heart broken."
"Aww my poor baby." My mom says wrapping her arms around me.

"You know, Tequila is a great way to get over someone." Meredith smiles. "I'm 17."
"Okay so go for the more legal option and dance it out."
"Yeah we don't need an alcoholic on our hands." Amelia says. "Say no to drugs and alcohol."

"Was it Sophia?"
"No someone else, doesn't really matter but uh, thanks. Also, dad, when I finish with Addison, I want to check out General, so mere, if you wanna fit me in with you or Bailey, or ya know, Jo. How is Jo?"

"Too old for you." Meredith smiles making me nod before heading back up to my room. Can't blame me for thinking she's hot.

A/n: Sophia and Y/n have a date 👀 Allie is moving closer to Alex and Alex has yet to tell Y/n.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα