Alex Morgan or Christen Press?

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For those who didn't see my announcement, I unpublished the Trinity Rodman/Sophia Smith story after doing a little background survey seeing as people wanted to read a story about Christen or Alex instead and weren't really into the other idea with Trin and Sophia. So, now here we are.

I'm kind of leaning towards Alex but, if I get a good enough idea I could write about Press.

Are there any story ideas I've previously had or wrote about and never finished or that you would like to see written about? I'll most likely be going with either Alex Morgan or Christen Press. I originally wanted to do a prequel to Gone 2 Long OR the prequel be a different story but, based on Alex instead of Christen.

For those who haven't read my story, "Gone 2 Long", basically Christen ended up pregnant in college by her high school sweetheart but their relationship hit the fan and their little family tore apart seemingly beyond repair. Y/n then went into the military, further straining any possibility of bringing the family back together or repairing the broken relationship. I'm thinking I could do a prequel to Gone 2 Long, OR make it into an entirely new story but based around Alex. So if thats the case, I'll probably put a twist on it or keep it somewhat along the lines but more catered to Alex.

I'm thinking of it going somewhat like this:

Either, Y/n (which I'll probably name later) and Alex are high school sweethearts who end up having a child together at a young age, both not ready for what could happen to their relationship as well as not being prepared. They try to manage their relationship and take care of themselves while both in college trying to reach their goals and provide a good life for their kid but, with a mountain of issues and things unsaid, their relationship slowly starts to chip away until it seems beyond repair. Y/n and Alex head their separate ways.


Y/n and Jeri Morgan are high school sweethearts but a one time mistake ends up costing them more than they thought. Alex and Y/n sleep together and neither one of them know how to tell Jeri but, are also battling the fact that they have feelings for each other. (It's basically like the story I was writing a while back where Alex has an affair with her sister's fiancé.)

I could possibly merge both ideas together somehow but yeah that's all I have for now, let me know if any of you have any ideas.

Some other suggestions from stories I didn't get around to:

Idea 3:

Best friends to lovers, basically Alex/Christen and Y/n have been best friends since they were in diapers and end up together.

Idea 4:

If you read my story, "Fool For You" that I have yet to finish about Elizabeth Olsen, I could turn that into a story about Alex or Christen and scrap Lizzie from that.

Idea 5:

After losing the most important person in her life, with her mental health dwindling, Y/n can't seem to catch a break. She has nothing left to fight for. After many attempts to take her own life, she falls into the darkest hole she's ever been in until, an unexpected person walks into her life. Giving her something to fight for. 

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now