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TIME SKIP: December

Y/n's POV

"So, you're having a baby shower before or after your birthday?" Ava asked as we sat in our usual booth at the diner. "Before." Today, it was just the three of us; Ava, River, and Me. Ever since school started up again after our Thanksgiving break, Hailey basically dropped us, or dropped me I should say. During the break, I met up with her and things got spicy. She basically told me if  I had opened my eyes, I would have noticed long ago how she truly felt about me but, that is not the case. I don't mean to be rude here but, I have never had a crush on Hailey. Yes, she's gorgeous but, I have only and will only ever see her as one of my best friends. Plus, I am all about Alex. Words. don't do justice for how I feel about that woman.

"Is Hailey talking to you guys yet?" I asked as Joan brought us our usual drinks. "Well she's talking to Ava. She got upset because I agreed with you that if she really wanted you, she should've stepped up when you were fooling around with Sophia. I mean, come on. Did she expect you to be a hoe forever? Well actually- I did but, now I am so proud of how far you have come." I playfully rolled my eyes at River. She's so stupid sometimes.

"She'll get over it. Plus, she's been straight her whole life. I don't typically go for girls who are first time lesbians or girls who are trying out the bisexual pool. Its just too much responsibility and you have to make sure they're okay with everything and you have to take things slow but I'm just- I'm all for the give me the cookie and let me eat already."

"Okay a little too much information their cowboy." Ava interjected making River and I laugh. "Well I hope she knows we'll always be here for us if she needs us."

"So, are you moving in with Alex after high school or after the baby comes? What's the plan here?"

"I guess it all depends on where I'm going. If I stay local, I'll most likely move in with her, if not, we're going to have a very serious conversation and, I mean, it's her first year on the job and I don't want to be the reason she uproots her life and career to follow me to college because we have a child."

"So you better hope and pray your ass gets into the 4 years out here."

"Or you could buy your way in like-"

"River, don't even suggest that to her." Ava snarks before lightly hitting River upside her head. Gosh I love my friends.

.  .  .

Alex's POV

I sat in my office before sighing and letting out a groan. I was going through paperwork. I've been backed up since that week I took off and my VP didn't do a good job at staying up to date with all of the tasks I have. Whenever I do resign or retire, definitely not recommending him for my job. He couldn't even handle it for a week.

I sighed again just thinking about the fact that I told Y/n I'd be fine and she should go hang out with her friends. The regret was setting in because I'm bored and I know if she was here, I'd be finished with my work by now and in my bed getting a foot massage because carrying a baby is tough on me.

The other reason I told her to hang out with her friends is because when the baby comes, who knows how much time she'll actually have to spend with them. The baby and I will be taking up a lot of her time. Plus, with her also going to college next year, she'll already be juggling a lot so I would rather her have her time to herself now before everything basically gets put on the back burner.

I looked over at the last file on my desk. Kelley O'Hara. I have to fill out the rest of her termination report. I decided her termination would compile of reports from students and parents and, of course, the incident that happened between her and Y/n. Just without all the details because I would also be putting myself on the line there. I had to talk to Kelley recently about her termination and she didn't seem to oppose it. All she tried to say to me was how sorry she was for everything but, it went in one ear and out the other. I'm pretty sure Emily hired her already which is great because I was not going to write a recommendation for her under any circumstance.

I decided to wrap things up for the night and head home. When I got there, I was surprised to see my family. Well my father and sisters stood there. "Guys?" I took my keys out of my purse as I walked closer to my front door where they stood. I stepped aside letting them enter my place. "Excuse the boxes and the mess I'm in the middle of-"

"Moving, yeah we know. Alex, we won't stay long but, we wanted to tell you we are on board with you and we love you its just your mom-"

"Wants nothing to do with me."

"Al I'm-"

"Dad, it's fine. I can't force her to want to be apart of my life. I know what it looks like on the outside, I know that it seems like I don't care about my mistakes but I do, and if she can't accept the reality of my situation that's fine. I'm not going to blow up everything to please her. But I do appreciate you guys for coming down here."

My dad nodded before the three came closer giving me a group hug. "Now since you're here, you could help me pack up." I say before they laugh and begin to help me continue packing up my apartment.

A/N: Hey y'all ! So like I said, I lost my ideas lmao so this story is going to end soon. You will get the baby being born and a few dramatic parts lol. Anyway, the first chapter for Back To Life (Christen Press x You) and Forbidden Love (Sophia Smith x You) are up so, if you haven't already, go check them out! Add them to your reading lists and your library! I've been looking at my reach and stats/ demographics and to all of you in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Nigeria, Canada, etc, HELLO! I LOVE Y'ALL! LMK WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU'RE FROM! I WANNA SHOW Y'ALL SOME LOVE!

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now