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Alex's POV

"Alex?!" Y/n said as she walked into the room behind my new doctor, Addison Montgomery. I was speechless. What could I possibly say right now? Allie grabbed my hand seeing as I didn't say a word or make a sound. It was like I was paralyzed. I went numb. I couldn't move. I couldn't function.

"You two know each other?" Carina asks staring between Y/n and I. Y/n didn't answer her question. We just continued to stare at each other before Addison spoke up. "Okay, I have no idea what's going on here but Alex if you could excuse us for just a-"

"Are you pregnant?" Y/n finally spoke up. Her voice was hard, serious. Her jaw was clenched. Her eyes never left mine. Is there any point in lying to her now?

"Of course you are, why else would you need Addison." She mumbled before walking out of the room. "Excuse us." Addison says again before stepping outside the room and closing the door behind her.

Y/n's POV

My blood was boiling. What was I supposed to do? How was I was supposed to respond to that? Addison pulled me into one of the storage closets and leaned against the door. She stared at me waiting for me to talk but noticed, I wasn't. I was too much in my own head to even say anything.

"Y/n, did you sleep with that woman in there?" Addison asked quietly. I looked up at her as my eyes began to water. She's going to tell my parents. I'm so screwed. Alex is so screwed. The baby is so screwed.
I simply nodded my head before Addison wrapped her arms around my body. "Okay, you're okay." Addison whispered as she kept me in her embrace. I laid my head on her shoulder as I let my tears fall.

"I swear I used a condom, I always do and I'm- my doctors said I'm not fertile and I-"
"Okay it's okay. We'll figure this out. You aren't supposed to be fertile so I'll- hold on."

Addison grabbed a towel from one of the containers in the closet and handed it to me to wipe my face. She pulled her phone out before dialing someone's number. I already knew she was calling her best friend Naomi Bennett. She's a doctor. She's a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist. Basically, in lame terms, she helps people who can't have babies, have babies. She'd be the expert to find out why I'm fertile.

After finishing her phone call, she grabbed my hand. "Can you keep your composure? We have to go back in there. Not just because this is now my case but, you need answers. Trust me it'll help."

I followed Addison out of the closet and we went back to Alex's room. This time around, Addison closed the door behind us for more privacy. "What's said in this room about this situation stays in this room" Addison says as she looked around at everyone making sure everyone is in agreement.

"So, you were experiencing some leaking?"
"Yeah I just got concerned I didn't know if the baby was-"
"Yeah good thing you came in. Y/n get the ultrasound." Addison directed me. I grabbed it, turning the screen on and putting the gel on Alex's belly and handed Addison the transducer.

"Okay, I need to check your vaginal area and possibly go in to get a cleaner look but, Dr. DeLuca was right. Your sac has a slight tear so it was leaking fluid. Usually the tears repair themselves but I'd feel more comfortable closing it up for you and I can do that laparoscopically. It's less invasive. But, you will have to stay here for the weekend."

"Okay." Alex nodded. What the hell did I do?
"Are you okay with the people in this room- Y/n's shadowing me and I'll need her to look so she can learn. Is that- I mean she's already seen your vagina apparently so-"
I chucked quietly at Addison.
"Uh yeah sure."

Addison propped her legs up and began to show me how, where, and why the leak was coming out. She finished up and told the nurse to book an OR.

"Look, I know you two may have hooked up once maybe even twice, who knows. Y/n's a Sloan, it's in her blood. They just go for whatever walks and you're a very pretty woman but, you're 23. She's not even 18 yet and, all I'm saying is, keep this under wraps. At least until she turns 18. From now on, do not see any other OB unless it is me or Carina. I'm taking on your case and if it's okay with you, I will deliver your baby. Trust me, it gets no better than me when it comes to OB's, neonatal surgeons, and babies. Plus, this will keep her parents off her back for now."

"That's totally fine with me." Alex says and I just nodded. "Addie, I'll meet you before surgery I need to-"
"Go ahead." Addison whispered before squeezing my hand and giving me a comforting smile.

Alex nudged Allie to make her leave the room.
"Coffee and a muffin sounds great right now. To the cafeteria I go." She says heading out leaving us alone.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Y/n, I tried-"
"We just had sex yesterday! You couldn't tell me before then or- why didn't you tell me?"

"Do you not think I'm scared?! What do I look like having a baby with a 17-year old?! Do you know how hard it was for me to even come to terms with this? I was already processing and going through so much when I found out. I didn't think it would end well if I told you I just needed time to-"

"Is this why you aren't with Kelley anymore?"
"No, we ended because of her infidelity- that's not the point here."

"You can't just carry my child and not tell me, Alex! Do you know how frustrating this is and for me to find out like this?! In front of Addison who by the way is my God Mother and one of my dad's best friends! Speaking of which, my whole family practically works here! My dad, head of plastics, my mom, neurosurgeon, my aunt head of General surgery, the list goes on and on. Do you- they would kill me!"

"Look, if this is too much for you, I'll just take care of the kid myself. I've already been thinking about that. You're a kid. I don't want this to ruin your life."

"Alex, I'm not a deadbeat and this wouldn't ruin my life. I just wish you told me. You had all this time to tell me. I could've helped you. This is as much my responsibility as it is yours. I would never bring a kid into this world and just leave it. It doesn't matter if you and I are an item or whatever the hell was going on- speaking of which, what was that? Yesterday?"

"I've been meaning to tell you- well I kind of did tell you. I'm sorry and I wanted this to work and not just because I'm pregnant but because I don't want to continue to push my feelings away from you. I did that already and I got burned. I got cheated on. You are the only person, in the past few months that's made me feel like I mattered. I just couldn't bring myself to accept what this is."

"I shouldn't have slept with you Al, I'm dating Sophia now and- how would I look just turning her down. I- why couldn't you just be honest with me before? We wouldn't be in this mess and-"

I was interrupted when my phone began to ring.
"Hey, I know you're shadowing your god mom but, I'm in the hospital to see the orthopedics doctor I hurt myself at practice and I could really use some company."
Just my luck.
"Uh yeah sure."

I looked to the door to see Allie coming in.
"Just- I'll be back later Alex." I walked out of the room and texted Addison I'd be with Sophia while she visited Lincoln. This day is already a rollercoaster.

A/n: So, Addison knows Alex is pregnant with Y/n's baby 😗👀 Should Y/n and Alex work on a relationship? Try to start something not just for themselves but for the baby? Should Y/n let go of Sophia?
Also, I know, Callie Torres is in Ortho buttttt I don't want to bring her back or in just yet because I have plans soooo we're going to have Mr. Ortho Barbie, Atticus Lincoln 😌

HAPPY NEW YEAR BY THE WAY AND I WISH YOU ALL LOVE, SUCCESS, AND HAPPINESS! I will try to write more this year, give y'all more stories, and hopefully expand my range just from USWNT and soccer :) thank y'all for sticking with me all this time. Love y'all ♥️

Also, Wattpad thanks for making me have to rewrite this whole chapter all over again.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now