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Y/n's POV

"I don't think I've ever been this eager for Thanksgiving break." I smiled as I approached my locker. River, Hailey, and Ava stood around me.
"Is it because you get like a week off to screw Alex?"
"River,  do you think we're just having sex 24/7?"
"Well duh how else did you get in the situation you're in? You stuck your little Sloan in Morgan land and it went on a rollercoaster and now she's pregnant. Come on, do I really need to explain how babies are made?"

"You're annoying."
"Yeah but you love me anyway." River says as she throws her arm over my shoulder.
"Have you two thought of names yet? River is great."
"I'm not naming my kid after you."
"It's unisex."
"You're a hater."
"Why would I name my kid after you?"
"Because I'm awesome and I'm their god parent."

"Bitch says who?" Ava says before removing River's arm from around my shoulder. "I've been here longer, I'm the god parent."
"You do know Alex and I both have to decide right? And I think you low key scare her, Ava."
"I'm the nice one here so I should be the god parent." Hailey interjects making Ava and River laugh.

"Yeah you don't want to just be the god parent." River snickered making Hailey's eyes bulge before she slaps River on the arm making River and Ava laugh even harder.
"Am I missing something?" I ask. I felt left out.
"Nope, just these two being idiots like they always are." Hailey says quickly. I ignored it because Ava and River are idiots. That's a fact.

"Anyway, Alex won't let me know the sex until I tell my parents about her. I'm just scared. I don't want to be thrown out on my ass and I don't want them to look at me as a failure."
"Well have you and Alex even discussed what you two will do when you graduate?"

"Does she know all the places you applied to?"
"Well duh, she's our principal. And I told her but, I guess we'll figure that out when the time comes."
"Acceptance letters start coming in a few months Y/n and by your record, although you act like an idiot, you probably got in to every school you applied to. You have a lot going for you. You might want to figure that out."

"I know. But I'll catch y'all later, I have to get to O'Hara's."

I walked into Kelley's class and went to the back. I don't want any issues so I decided to actually pay attention today. Alex also doesn't want me getting in trouble in here and I'm pretty sure Kelley threatened her. It sucks I can't say much to her, mainly because Alex doesn't want me to. I'm respecting her wishes though so, I keep my distance.

Kelley ended up making us watch some short film about America in the 20s and although I like history I couldn't bring myself to actually pay full attention to it. My mind was filled with thoughts on what's happening in my life. Things with Alex, they're good but, I haven't really taken a step back. I have choices to make. I just hope I don't screw up. I want what's best for Alex and the baby. At the end of the day, I know I now come last.

"So, this is unprofessional of me to say but, I saw a story the other day and, a teacher, like I've mentioned before, is having a child with her student. In my opinion, that's disgusting. And the cold part is, the child's parents didn't know. What are your thoughts?"

This bitch has got to be kidding me. I am not in the mood to deal with Kelley's bullshit. After the class started to rile up on the topic, Kelley interjected again.

"I mean, here's the other thing, she cheated on her fiancé."
"She's a slut Ms. O'Hara! Excuse my language."

Kelley shrugged and didn't even mention how disrespectful that was. "Maybe she just spreads her legs for everyone. Or was taking advantage of the kid?"
"That's a possibility." Kelley responds.
"Or maybe the kid was taking advantage of her."
"That could also be a possibility but, the kid said the woman came onto her. What should they do about the baby?"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now