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TIME SKIP: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY (BTW realized I never mentioned this lmao but, I basically moved everything from Seattle (Grey's stuff) to Los Angeles to fit the story.)

Y/n's POV

Today is my birthday and it feels like it's taken forever to get here. 18. WE LEGAL BITCHES! Wow, I honestly feel no different and that's annoying me. I can buy scratchers now though! And technically, I can date my girlfriend now, legally at least. Well actually no. She's still my principal but, she won't be in about 4 months. I think I'm more excited to graduate than I am to turn 18.

I was currently in my living room with my parents and my two best friends. We had a breakfast to celebrate my birthday since Alex said she had something planned for tonight and would be stealing me away from my family. Cristina and Meredith have been teasing me saying I'm going to be getting make up sex and to be careful not to leave any undergarments around. Meredith then went on to tell me how Callie covered for her when her panties got stuck on the board at the hospital.

My mom gets up to grab the mail as she sees the mail dude leaving down our driveway. "Y/n!" she squeals as she back into the house. We all get quiet as she held up letters from all of the colleges I applied to. Dartmouth, Harvard, Colombia, Duke, UNC, Ohio State, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Stanford (courtesy of Cristina Yang). Cristina literally sat with me until I filled out an application to Stanford. I never cared to apply their mainly because I don't think I'd get in and it's far from home.

"Moment of truth. Bitch I swear if you don't get into UCLA with us, we're rioting." Ava said eager for me to open my letters. "I don't want to be sad on my birthday if I don't get in to any of-"

"Hand it over, I can be sad for you." River said as she stuck her hand out. "First of all, that's illegal-"

"Okay and who's going to call the police on me? Exactly, no one."

I rolled my eyes at River as I picked up the envelope from Colombia first. My dad's smile widened because he went there as well as Addie, Derek, Naomi, and Sam. So of course, he wants me to go. "If you don't get in, you can always apply after undergrad for their medical school." he said as he whipped his phone out to record me. "Dad, please don't-"

"Just act like I'm not even here. Come on."

I began to open the envelope and his smile got bigger which I didn't even think was possible. After quickly reading the first line in my hand, I take the camera from my dad and hand them the papers instead. He clears his throat before looking at the papers and begins to read, dude is so dramatic, "Dear Y/n Sloan, Congratj- AHH!" He yelled before finishing any part of the letter. "YOU GOT IN!" He jumped up out of his seat making us all laugh at him meanwhile, my mom shook her head before reaching for the Harvard envelope. "Okay, now for the better school." she says handing it to me.

"You're only saying that because you went there, Lex."

"Okay and?"

River and Ava laugh at my parents while I take start to open the envelope. In all reality, I have my sites set on UCLA. River, Ava, and I have always dreamt of going there together. They got their acceptance letters earlier than me so, it'll be a bummer if I can't go with them. I opened the Harvard letter and saw I didn't get in. "WHAT?!" My mom yells grabbing the paper from me to read it herself. "Mom, it's okay, I honestly didn't want to go there anyway. Trust me, I'm not missing out on anything."

I went through the other letters making sure to leave UCLA, Stanford, and Berkeley last. Stanford's a great school so that's why I'd love to go there and Berkeley was always my plan b. And yes, I wanted to go there before I knew Alex went there.

"So far, Colombia and Duke are taking the lead by accepting my daughter." my dad says into the camera making me shake my head. Dude is really doing the most. I decide to open Stanford's letter and to my surprise, I GOT IN! "Wait, bitch, how do you get into Stanford and not Ohio- I'm- wow." Ava says dumbfounded. "Can you just open UCLA already?"

"I have a process River, be patient."

"You're moving too slow."

"I'm opening Berkeley first. I feel like I should call Alex-"

"Just open it because you'll be all sad if you don't get in and she's on the phone." Ava points out. That's true. I opened the Berkeley envelope and close my eyes before looking, after a second I look down and see Congratulations... "HOLY SHIT! AHH!"

"NOW FOR THE IMPORTANT ONE!" River exclaimed. I swear, I have to get into UCLA. One, my friends and I made a pact and two, it's close enough that I'll be able to stay home and be with my kids and Alex. Wow that's still weird to say, my kids. If not, I'll have to go to Stanford or Berkeley.

"Now this is the moment of truth... Y/n Sloan, Congratulations on- BITCHES WE'RE GOING TO UCLA!" I screamed as Ava and River jump up before we get into a group hug. I had a mini heart attack because, what the hell was I going to do?!

. . .

After spending all morning with my parents and then going out with Ava and River all afternoon, I was now at Alex's. When I got here, I told her about my acceptances and surprisingly, she was more happy that I got into UCLA but, obviously that's because she doesn't want me to go too far away. Berkeley is only a 5-6 hour drive, give or take, but, me going to UCLA is less than an hour.

Alex cooked a really good dinner for me and got me a lot more gifts than I was expecting. I guess that check is fat. "Babe, you did not have to do all of this." I say as I gestured to everything Alex put together.

She had balloons and decorations around the house, candles, confetti, and then my gifts. "I wanted you to feel special on your special day. But I have one last surprise for you."

Alex stood up and grabbed my hand as we walked up the stairs. When we reached her bedroom, there were rose pedals on the floor and bed, candles lit, the lights dimmed. "

"Babe, you outdid yourself, this-"

"This isn't your surprise. Wait here, it's in the bathroom."

"You got me a puppy didn't you?! Alex if you got me a puppy I'm going to cry."

Alex laughed as she closed the bathroom door.

Alex's POV

I quickly got into the bathroom and took my clothes off before putting on my robe. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled knowing how excited Y/n will be. This is a win win for both of us. Plus, who doesn't love birthday sex?

I slowly opened the door and I see her attention came back to me. Her mouth was wide opened as she dropped her phone. I slowly untied my robe letting it fall to the ground exposing my naked body. I could see it in her eyes, this is exactly what she wanted. "Holy shit." She mumbled as I stood right in front of her. Baby bump and all, I'm having sex tonight.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now