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Y/n's POV

I walked to the ER where Sophia would be and saw her laying in a bed scrolling through her phone. How do you operate the rest of the evening knowing you're expecting a child with your principal?! I do need a break from everything I've digested in the past hour so maybe Sophia will be good for me right now.

Or should I be with the mother of my child? Fuck.

I walked up to Sophia with a small smile on my face before trapping one of the little rolling stools and sat beside her. I rested my arms on the side of the bed before placing my chin down. "What's wrong?" Sophia asked. Her voice was full of concern. She reached for my hand and I placed it in hers. "Long day. But, what happened?"

"Hard tackle. Pretty sure I just rolled my ankle but they said someone from Ortho should be coming down soon. And yes, my parents are on their way before you say anything."

I nodded as we just talked about random shit. I saw Link walking towards us and a smile spread across my face. He always has such a great energy about him and I always love when he comes around. Especially since he's dating Amelia now. Plus his name is just so, cool. Atticus Lincoln.

"Hey, I'm Dr. Lincoln but you can call me Link." He smiled and I totally know if I wasn't sitting here, Sophia would be blushing like crazy. I mean, who wouldn't. He'd make me turn straight. Like Jackson.

Link began taking a look before ordering an X-Ray to make sure nothing was broken or headed in that direction. I sat with Sophia until Schmidt came down to take her up to X-ray and her parents joined her. I dreaded going back to Alex's room because well , I'm like nervous? I mean, I know girls have babies at young ages all the time but, what about when you're having a baby with your principal and she's older than you and this whole thing is illegal to begin with.

As I headed up to the OB floor, I bumped into Meredith. She stepped into the elevator and her eyes were on me. "What's wrong with you?" She asked bluntly. "Nothing."
"You can't lie, like both your parents. What happened?"
"Nothing, I just think I'll have to break things off with Sophia. Again." I lied. Well it isn't a full lie because I probably will but, I'm not telling her Alex is pregnant. She'll tell my mom. Maybe. I don't know. Meredith is vault but then again, she'd tell if necessary and this would fall into that category.

As I reached my floor I quickly got out of the elevator so she couldn't ask anything else.

"We've just prepped Alex for surgery. Go get ready to scrub." Addison tells me as the nurses take her up to the surgical floor. "And take the I'm having a baby and I didn't even know it look off your face. You're fine. No need to freak- actually, your principal? Really?"
I shrugged before Addison threw her arm over my shoulder as we walked to the elevators.

.  .  .

I sat in Alex's room while she rested after the surgery. Her friend Allie left to go do something so I told her I didn't mind staying. I didn't want her to be alone.

I scrolled away on my phone until I heard Alex moving around slightly in the bed. I stood up and she connected her eyes with mine. I've always adored her eyes.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked quietly.
"I'm good. A little sore."
I nodded before telling her her friend had to leave for a little while so I've been staying here. I sat back down as we sat in silence before she spoke up.

"I was going to tell you, ya know."
I turned my head to face her.
"That I'm pregnant. I just- I didn't know how. You're 17. I'm 23 that's weird. Maybe it's our karma? Or mine. I've done a lot of questionable stuff this year."
"It's not all your fault. I mean, you're hot so, I just- look it's both of our faults."

"I know but, the whole dynamic, you're a student at my school."
"Yeah but this student knows their way around a va-"
"Ookay." Alex chuckled.
"I don't want you to feel like you're alone or anything. I'm willing to help and step up seeing as I'm the one that put the baby inside of you."

"Thank you and I also wanted to ask, I know we've never actually dated or done anything other than like you know-"
"Have sex in your office?"
"Yeah, I just, I lied when I told you I felt nothing for you and I'm done making stupid mistakes so when I'm able, how about a date?"

"Yeah, sure." I smiled. Am I cheating? Does this count as cheating? I mean, Sophia and I have only went on dates were not like actually together- am I cheating?

Alex and I continued to talk about random things and how she believes we're going to have a girl, which I don't agree with. It's a boy. I'm a boy mom. I hope.

The door opens to the room and Addison came in followed by Carina and Meredith. Oh great.

"Glad to see you're awake, the surgery was a success and you're back in the clear now. You'll be sore for a little while and I want to keep you for observation but, you and the baby will be just fine." Alex smiled at Addisons words before she walked out of the room with Meredith.

It's the end of Addison's day. I waited with Alex until her friend came back because I can't stay the night.

I walked into the lounge after saying goodnight to Alex.
"You got your principal pregnant?!" Meredith whisper yelled at me. I looked at Addison wide eyed knowing she was the one that told.
"What happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?!"
"You're not my patient, Alex is."

"I'm not saying a word to Mark or Lexie. One, Mark would probably congratulate you and Lexie would stuff her face with food again and go crazy."

That's very true. Suddenly the door opens and Cristina walked in. She's back?!
"Cristina?!" Meredith yelled. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I got flown in for surgery. What happened in here?" She asked staring at our faces.

"Y/n got her principal pregnant." Meredith says making me sigh. She's going to tell the whole hospital.

"Oh really? Up top! Was this an action of trying to get her to override your grades, help you graduate early-"
"Stop high-fiving her! This is bad, we don't need her sleeping around to get ahead in school. Don't give her any tips either." Meredith pointed at Yang.
"I'm just saying, girls got some guts on her. Or is the right word balls? That works too. Biologically speaking."

I couldn't help but to laugh. "You are unbelievable." Addison shook her head. I could tell she was holding in a laugh as she left the lounge.
"So where's the principal?" Cristina asked making Meredith groan.

I love Yang.

A/n: Just a filler :) more to come sometime this week. Also, as you can tell my creativity and ideas are running low so why do you want to see 😌🙂 and yes, I will bring back Arizona and Callie when the time is right.

I also had literally 6 people message me saying they want Jo and Y/n to hook up 👀👀 yeah or no?

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