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Y/n's POV

I groaned as my alarm clock rang off of my phone. Today is the first day back to the hell hole a.k.a. High School. I couldn't fathom the thought of having to return. My summer was filled with adventure and girls. Girls who wanted to throw themselves at me. After coming off a high and mighty summer, my senior year simply cannot suck. I have to keep the thrill going.

Dragging myself out of bed, I head to the bathroom to begin getting ready for school. I turn on the shower allowing a second for it to make it look like I hotboxed my bathroom and began to brush my teeth before getting in the shower and continuing on with my morning routine.

After rummaging through my closet for something decent to wear, I settled on a white shirt, a flannel, jeans and air forces. Basic, I know. Leave me alone.

.  .  .

"Damn look what the cat dragged in! I didn't expect you to show up." My best friend Ava says as she nudges me. She wore a smirk on her face as we walked up the steps of the school.

As we entered the building, our other three friends, Noah, Hailey, and River appeared. Noah surprisingly sticks around even though 4/5 of us are girls. But then again, he started dating Hailey last year so, it all makes sense.

We've all been the best of friends since elementary school. Ava and I go back further to when we were in diapers. Ever since we became a group, we've all been thick as thieves. Ava is my right hand gal. She will participate in my antics here and there and scold me when needed. She's the logical one of the group but also down to fuck shit up. She's the glue of this friendship.

Then you have Hailey. Somewhat wealthy parents but she couldn't care less about the money. She's the chill one, always there to support you when needed. If you have a secret or if you need advice, she's the one to turn to.

After Hailey you have her boyfriend Noah. He's funny when he's not trying to be. He's always down for whatever and he's usually right along side Hailey anywhere she is. He's like a leech. But they're cute together.

Lastly, you have my personal favorite, or second favorite I should say, River. River is as crazy as I am. Which makes sense. Ava is attracted to the bad asses. River is Ava's girlfriend but was apart of our group long before that relationship formed. She's always down to do stuff that'll most likely land us in jail one day. If you murdered someone, she's the type to help you dispose of the body. Her dating my best friend made me love her even more.

Then you have me. The only single one in the group. Mainly because I tend to go from girl to girl. Something I picked up from my father. I haven't found anyone worth settling down with since my last serious relationship which ended a year and a half ago. But it's okay. I'm enjoying my time. I'm the head of this group. Mainly because I'm so outspoken and willing to do just about anything.

We walked to our new locker assignments and luckily I'm right next to Ava and River. "So, I heard we have a new principal." Ava speaks up as River has her arm lazily around Ava's waist.
"Yeah Y/n scared Mr. Higgins away." Noah chimes in as he smirks and nudges my shoulder.

"Okay, look, he couldn't handle my personality. I'm not everyone's cup of tea and that's fine." I say trying to justify myself. "Yeah well, maybe if you would stop fucking with people, they'd be able to tolerate you." Hailey says patting my shoulder.
"Yeah but, what's the fun in that? Anyway, who do y'all have this year? I don't want to be alone in class."

"You talk to everyone, don't think you'll have a problem being alone."
"Well I have Baylor for history first period and he's a dick so I'm going to head over and sit as far in the back as I possibly can." Noah sighs as he kisses Hailey and walks away.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now