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Y/n's POV

"So they know now?" Ava asks as we sat across each other from the lunch table. "Yeah and my mom, I can tell she's disappointed in me. Every time she looks at me I feel like she's going to cry and you all know how she gets when there's news she can't handle."
"She stuffs her face but it's like she doesn't get fat. Your mom has a fast metabolism, couldn't be me."
"Ava you're- shut up." Hailey says making us all giggle.

"Mark's probably buying a crib right now. Where's the baby going to sleep? I mean, they're going to find out about Alex when it's time for the baby to be here and I'm pretty sure your mom would want to be in the room and she won't be happy when she sees Principal Morgan's legs spread open."

"River, shut up." I mumbled making her smile. "I'm just saying, how much longer are you planning to keep this a secret? I mean, they saw the ultrasounds and it's clear to see Jo isn't pregnant and your parents are doctors so, I'm pretty sure they know what a pregnant chick looks like."

"I'm going to tell them when the time is right."
"Nothing about this is right, just tell them and get it over with so you don't have to be so anxious and nervous all the time. If anything, tell your dad, you know he's always supportive."

I nodded at their words. I get where everyone is coming from but, I don't want to be more of a disappointment. I feel like the black sheep of the family right now and with this being the last week of school before break, I'll be around them a lot more now and it's not like I can just run away. Plus, Alex is in the stages of moving. I can't just throw myself and my problems on her. 

The bell rang signaling lunch was over and I didn't want to go to class. I headed to the office and decided I would stay with Alex for the last period of school. She probably won't mind anyway since we haven't had too much alone time lately.
As I opened her office door I saw her hugging Kelley. Although Kelley knows we're together, I couldn't make a scene. Every time I see this lady I get pissed. I just want to deck her in the face.

"I'll see you later." Kelley says before smirking and making me glare at her. I closed the door behind her and stared at Alex waiting for her to explain what that was. "Hey, you." She said as she stepped closer to me. "No you have O'Hara on you."
"I didn't know she was going to hug me."
"Didn't seem like you opposed it."
"Can we not make a big deal out of that? All she was doing was thanking me."
"So you're friends with her again? What the hell did I miss?!"

"I'm not friends with her Y/n. It's not important. What's important is the fact that your parents think Jo is pregnant with your kid which is far from the truth."
"Well what did you expect them to think? They think I'm with Jo and that's all they can know right now."
"Y/n the cats out the bag now. You might as well lay it all on them now. Whatever happens happens."

"So, you're perfectly fine with my parents potentially pressing charges against you and you going to jail leaving me to take care of the bean alone? No, Alex. We're not doing that."
"That's worst case scenario"
"And you think my parents won't go there?! Alex, I'm 17!"
"Keep your voice down. I understand why you're doing what you're doing but, at what cost? You didn't even take my feelings into consideration when you decided to make this whole deal with Jo."
"Well I tried to ask your opinion-"

"And you didn't wait for me to say anything you just jumped ahead of the ship and did what you wanted. Look, that's not important right now. Babe, just tell them. We can handle the consequences. And I'm too far along to abort and I won't. They can't make me."
"Y/n, tell them. I have to leave early but I see you don't want to go to class so come on. Here."

Alex hands me a nurses slip saying I have to go home. Gosh I love dating my principal. I followed her out of the building and we looked around before she pecked my lips. 
"Ooh risky much?"
"Go home. Don't forget we have an appointment with Addie. And please, tell your parents."
"Did you tell yours?"
"I will. Tonight."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now