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Y/n's POV

I finished up Addison's charts before falling back on the couch. We just spent about an hour with a lady in labor and the lady was a nightmare. Like I get it, you're giving birth but, the woman came in rude and with an attitude and insulted Addison and I the whole time. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure her son was flirting with me but I scream I'm gay so, if he didn't get that, I don't know what to tell him.

"Do you want some coffee?" Addison asked as she entered the lounge. I nodded before sitting up as she handed me a cup. "If you get patients like that often, I am so sorry."

Addison giggled and shook her head before sitting next to me. "I don't, most of my patients are really good with me."
"Because you're a great doctor and you save mommy's and babies." I turn my head to the door where the voice came from and Addison sprung out of the seat after putting her coffee down.

"Nay!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her shorter best friend, Dr. Naomi Bennett. I used to be around Naomi and her husband, Dr. Sam Bennett a lot when I was younger because like I said, all of my parents friends are more like family. The Bennett's have been friends with my dad, Addison, and Derek since medical school. And that was hella long ago.

I stood up and hugged Naomi. "Wow you've gotten tall!" Naomi exclaimed as she looked at me. "Yeah well my parents are necessarily short." I shrugged with a smile. I mean, my dad is 6'1 and my mom is 5'7. I'm blessed to land myself at 5'10. I used to hate being so tall but now I don't.

"So, where are we doing the consult?" Naomi asked Addison. Addison signaled for me to grab my stuff so we could go to a room for privacy. We got to the end of the hall and into an empty room and soon after, Meredith entered followed by Cristina. Of course Addison called her in.

"Mere? Don't you have to work?" I asked. "Wilson has my patients right now. I want to know how you got someone pregnant. I like science." I looked at Cristina who shrugged. "No surgery right now, and rare case. Your little sperm babies impregnated someone not like I'm missing that."
"Right." Meredith said turning to Cristina making me shake my head.
"I was wondering where you two went" Alex said announcing his presence as he closed the door behind him.

"Jesus, do you all just follow each other everywhere? And, uh Mere, Alex doesn't-"
"Oh no he knows." Cristina says smiling.
"Yeah your jizz got someone pregnant." Alex laughed.

Of course he knows.

"Okay well, Addison sent over your files and you're in good health I just need to know what happened in the fertility process. Were you being safe or-"
"Clearly not." Cristina laughed making me glare.

"I always wear a condom and I always carry them in my wallet. Trust me, I didn't want a kid yet. And I was told this wasn't possible."
"Anything's possible in the world of science and medicine nowadays." Naomi says.

"Well, in order for me to actually figure this out, I need you to Um- sorry I'm so used to little baby Y/n, I need you to ejaculate. In the cup." Naomi says handing me a specimen cup.

"Seriously?" I questioned raising my eyebrow.
"Mmhm." Naomi says. Addison pats my back and Alex threw a magazine at me.
"Might help."
"Ew okay can you all leave."

"She's going to call Alex." Meredith says making everyone laugh. Gosh they're so annoying sometimes. "No I'm not." I groaned and I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"We'll be back. And keep little Sloan in your pants until we exit the room completely please."Addison says as they all begin to leave the room.
"Big Sloan, don't insult me." I yelled after them before Addison closed the door.

I sat there staring at the cup before going into the bathroom in the room. This feels weird and maybe because I'm being forced to leg my babies fly? I don't know. Maybe I will call Alex. It might help instead of looking at this magazine with random girls.

"Hey." She said as her face appeared on my screen. She was laying in her bed and all I could do was smile at the sight of her face.
"Okay so, this is weird but, I need you to I don't know work your magic and put me in the mood. I like- I can't right now"
"Put you in the mood for what? You could come over after Allie leaves."
"Oh, Allie's there?"
"Yeah girls day."
"I have to ya know." I say before showing her the cup.
"Oh, um, use your imagination."
"Alex." I whined.
"I'm not getting anything out of this, how is this any fun for me?" She laughed.
"So you're not going to help me?"
"Your hand is very capable. Use it." Alex is no help. I heard Allie enter the room and I sighed letting her return to her friend.

. . .

Mark's POV

"Jackson, I've said it a million times, the plastics posse is the best thing to ever happen to this hospital." Jackson high fives me as I hand him the chart and begin to walk to the lounge. I need coffee and I have no intern today.

Naomi turned her head smiling at me before embracing me in a hug. "Mark Sloan! Still as handsome as ever."
"I've got great genes woman."
I looked around to see no coffee in the pot and asked Naomi to come grab some with me outside the hospital. It's better there anyway.

As we walked out the hospital we bumped into Addison. It's a reunion. All we need is Sam and Derek.

Addison's POV

"Addie! Look who I bumped into."
"Oh, great!" I lied. This could go really bad.
"So what's the case? Naomi would only be here for something big. Woman can't get pregnant? Man infertile?"

"Mark, none of your business. We don't need a plastics consult."
"Addie, I have magic hands. Your patient wouldn't even have a scar after I close 'em up." Mark says defending his case.
"It's just a pregnant mom and infertile-"
"Yep." Naomi says quickly. She's always been terrible at lying and keep secrets.
"How did that happen?! I wanna see!"

"Mark, don't you have breasts to implant?! Go bother Derek!" I say pushing my way past him. "And stay off my floor, you're arousing mother's."

Mark smirked as I grabbed Naomi's hand and pulled her back in the hospital.
"Wait he doesn't know?"
"Of course not. We're keeping that a secret until Y/n is ready and until- I don't know. He just can't know yet. And you, Nay, you're horrible with secrets and Mark is always convincing, but please, don't slip up and say anything."

Naomi nodded. "Okay I'm going to go pick up her labs, the cup, and I'll meet you in the room. Tell the nurse to page Y/n to OB."

I took the elevator to go get the lab results abs bumped into Mark, again. He's stalking me at this point.

"Addison, why is my daughters sperm in a  cup?" Mark said as he held the bag that had the cup in it. I froze in my spot and diverted my eyes to the Lab tech. "Sorry it's his daughter and I thought he was coming to pick it up. Sorry, Dr. Montgomery."

I couldn't even reply to Mark. Is it worth it at this point. "Hey Addison!" Lexie said as she approached us. "What's going on here?" Lexie added.
"Addison was just about to tell me why our daughters sperm is in a cup."


A/n: Hehehehe :) I don't know when the next update will be but here ya go! School started yesterday and I've already been bombarded with work :)

Question: What's your major?

A: Biology

Question: Weirdest encounter on here?

A: A girl asked me to marry her 🙂

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