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*Important note at the end and important


"Well my parents didn't just invite you like I expected. It's the whole family, well, doctor family." I warned Alex as we walked up to the door of my families house. "Wait, so everyone will be here to question me?"
Alex's eyes widened and I could tell she was about to freak out. What a nice way to get to know my whole family. On thanksgiving of all days. Alex's family wasn't too happy about it but, they'll get over it.

"Babe, breathe. They're not that bad. Actually, they're not bad at all. Pretty lucky to have all those people in there. The toughest cookie to crack would be my mom mainly because she's skeptical about everything but realistically, she's just a woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. Everyone else already thinks you're cool."
"Okay, I think I'm ready." Alex nodded but stopped me before I opened the door. She pulls me in to kiss her but I smile breaking the case. "Okay, I'm really ready now."

Alex gave my hand a squeeze as she held it before I opened the door and soon could we filled our ears. Laughter and people talking loud. Of course my dads voiced boomed through the house because the man is loud.

As we came into view, hand in hand, everyone's attention was now on us and I could feel Alex hold my hand tighter. I never pegged her as one to be nervous to meet the parents but I guess under our circumstances, anything is possible. I smiled at everyone and my parents walked up to us giving Alex a hug and welcomed her. Soon after everyone began to introduce themselves, at least the people that hadn't officially met her before.

"Well the food isn't completely ready yet so, everyone's just hanging out for the time being. Want to show her around?" My mom asked. She's being nice. That's a good sign. I nodded as I began to take her on a tour of our house before we landed ourselves in my room.

I closed the door and Alex began to look around after I put her jacket and purse away. "Aww cute." She said as I noticed her looking at my wall of pictures. It was numerous photos over the past few years of so. Mainly of my friends and I and then my family but, in the center of it was the first ultrasound.
"I'm going to replace that with our kids first picture."
"And soon I hope to put up some more pictures of you and I over there." I say as I pointed to the space above my bed.

"You know, I didn't expect your room to actually be clean."
"Wow, I'm not a complete slob. I actually keep my room clean. Did you ever get back in touch with your realtor?"
"Yeah, and good news, I was going to wait to tell you but, I'm moving out!"
"You got the house?!"
"I got the house!"

I smiled as I hugged Alex. "Ooh and with my parents now being cool with this whole thing, I think we could break the new house in in a great way."
"Well you know my hormones are always up for the task."
"How much time do you think we have before everything's finished?" I smirked before Alex placed her lips on me. We jumped away when someone knocked on the door. My little sister Sofia enters after I say come in and tells us the food is ready.

"I'm cleared for sex and haven't had any yet." Alex pouted making me laugh. "Come on." I reply as I placed my hand in Alex's as we headed back downstairs. I didn't even realize this brand new table on our house until now. Guess we needed it for all the people my parents invited.

Alex and I sat next to her. My parents across from us and everyone else just scattered. Arizona kicked the conversation off asking about how this all started and honestly, did not want to say this story because well, why would I tell my parents and everyone else at this table that I walked into her office and we just had sex.

"That's inappropriate. I'd rather not." I replied making them all laugh and Addison, Mere, and Cristina snicker and laugh because they knew the story.

"Basically a typical day in the on call room but instead you're in a principals office on the principals desk." Cristina said making everyone laugh except Alex and I as our faces heated up pour of embarrassment.

"Do you two have any names picked out yet?" Jackson asked before offering his name if the kid is a boy. "Yes because the kid wants to be called Jackass Jackson in school. I say name it Mark." My father says. And here comes the name your kid after me conversation.

"To burst your bubbles, we don't know what we're having and we haven't discussed names but I'm pretty sure it won't be any names at this table. Trust me." I interjected making them shut up.
"What about a baby shower? Have you two planned that yet?"
Alex and I looked at each other. We really are unprepared.

"Well, this whole thing kind of happened out of the blue and Y/n and I weren't going to have one because we hadn't told anyone and we-"
"We're throwing you a baby shower! Who doesn't like a party?! Don't even worry about it, Lexie and I have it."

My dad says making us smile. Maybe I should've just told them everything to begin with. As the night went on, Alex got more comfortable with everyone. It felt like a big weight was off of my shoulders and everything seemed to be smooth sailing. This is everything I could've ever hoped for but now, we just wait for the nugget to get here and, I think Alex and I need to find out the sex because like I said, we're unprepared. But this, is a great start for us to begin to prepare.


PSA: Aha not me forgetting what the hell I was going to do towards the end of this story 😗🙂 nah but fr I accidentally deleted my ideas lmao and I can't remember them... so this story might end way sooner than I intended so prepare for time skips 💀

On the other hand, y'all know me I'm indecisive and I'm really feeling the "Forbidden Love" story more than "Used to Be" at the moment so I'm probably going to write that instead 💀 but you'll still get "Used to Be" after I finish the others. Anyways really question...

🚨Would y'all want me to post the first chapter of both the Christen and Sophia story so y'all can choose which y'all want first? It'll basically be a sneak peak and if yes, I'll post it tomorrow. 🚨

Cause I'd write them both at the same time it's just, y'all will get sporadic updates.

I'm saying this now because I'm trying to challenge myself to stay on track with writing sooooo 🥴 let's see how this goes.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now